Am I missing something….


Please correct me if I'm wrong, but what happened to the extra incentive bonus reps were to receive if Exelon Patch came in at over 100% for the trimester? I can remember a special conference call back in January spelling out the details of the contest. The details specifically stated that reps would receive an extra 50% of their bonus payout. In other words, if you were supposed to make a bonus of $8000, and patch was at 100% or greater, you would receive an additional $4000. This obviously and mysteriously did not happen. Is this yet another example of how short the company's memory is regarding gen meds? Would this have happened to Oncology or MS? Now, ABLs can't even remember it.

Re: Am I missing something….Gen Meds missing bonus kicker

Yes, I recall my regional director making a big deal out of it. My ABL has been talking it up the entire time and now states is confused. We were even told if you hit it in IC2A but not in IC2B you would be paid the extra incentive for the IC2 that you hit since were being considered separate due to the layoff.

This company is pathetic. Hope the Nov rumors of an announcement regarding layoffs is correct. I have 20 years in and will stay for the severance. After being through this many layoffs, I'm not passing it up. I'm still hopeful the marketing $ will appear later. Even if they do, this has been so poorly done. No information at all.

We were told being paid separately from incentive sometime by next week. Will receive 50% of patch incentive pay. No idea how displaced reps supposed to see rational for what paid. IC1a still included Exforge which is not part of fast start contest. Sounds like displaced reps only received paycheck stub, not actual breakdown or MIR.

You are a moron. The payouts for the contest will show up as a bravo cash award and will be deposited either this week or next. If you cared so much about this contest you think you would know the details, such as it was coming as a separate check from the regular bonus. Moron this was a PCBU CONTEST so has to be paid separately. Go crawl back under the rocks live under. FUCKING IDIOTS

You are a moron. The payouts for the contest will show up as a bravo cash award and will be deposited either this week or next. If you cared so much about this contest you think you would know the details, such as it was coming as a separate check from the regular bonus. Moron this was a PCBU CONTEST so has to be paid separately. Go crawl back under the rocks live under. FUCKING IDIOTS

Am I missing something? Your character, conscious and any shred of human dignity?

You may want to try working for a company that has some products to sell. That way when the products are purchased and the company receives income, they can actually afford to write you a commission check.

Bravo points? Are you out of your feeble mind? Post, only if you have something salient and of quality to report. Don't waste our fucking time with your bullshit. Take your bravo points and shove them where the sun don't shine. Bravo points…give me a fucking break! Douche! You must have graduated magna cum douchebag.