This site is essentially worthless now


It seems like there are about 4-5 idiots who consistently post on this site. This used to be a decent site but the immaturity of these people has really made it pretty hard to read. Please for the sake of the rest of us keep your immature comments and petty personal disagreements about whomever you dislike to yourself. The rest of us do not care. It would be nice to see this page turn back into something a little more mature and moderately worthwhile...

It seems like there are about 4-5 idiots who consistently post on this site. This used to be a decent site but the immaturity of these people has really made it pretty hard to read. Please for the sake of the rest of us keep your immature comments and petty personal disagreements about whomever you dislike to yourself. The rest of us do not care. It would be nice to see this page turn back into something a little more mature and moderately worthwhile...

Shut up, you big baby!

It seems like there are about 4-5 idiots who consistently post on this site. This used to be a decent site but the immaturity of these people has really made it pretty hard to read. Please for the sake of the rest of us keep your immature comments and petty personal disagreements about whomever you dislike to yourself. The rest of us do not care. It would be nice to see this page turn back into something a little more mature and moderately worthwhile...
Go back to work, POOPIE PANTS!!!