Ethicon Biosurgery


Interviewing for a Midwest position for Biosurgery division later this week. I would appreciate any honest thoughts on working for this division. Obviously there are pros and cons to every company. I currently have decent OR/device experience. What is a realistic first year income (I know that it heavily depends on the territory but I can extrapolate that information when I begin to interview). Supposed to be 150K at plan and I would like to know if that is realistic. Also the corporate recruiter said the base is only $50K and I was curious if that is set in stone or if they use a sliding scale based on experience. Its a little bizarre not going through an external recruiter as they do everything internally. It seems that there are some newer products (vascular sealant?) that seem to differentiate them from Baxter.

Thanks in advance for any input.

best place to be in all of J&J. People are running to get into this company. Great comp plan, and even better management. I would go hard for this, the reps are very happy and great pipeline

best place to be in all of J&J. People are running to get into this company. Great comp plan, and even better management. I would go hard for this, the reps are very happy and great pipeline

I agree, we have interviewed a number of J&J people, but many are passed over (EWHU) we did hire a few high caliber ex-reps though. This is not a perfect place but a very good place to be right now. Having a good time with my manager and this op company

Oh, Evicel is never pushed off label. It is always used in Bariatric procedures on suture lines with no bleeding, graft adherence, etc. I love this board and all of the law firm banners asking about off-label usage and bogus claims. Come on whistle blowers! Lets take down the 800lb gorilla.

Funny was just reading these old posts about Ethicon Biosurgery. when Rich Wintersteller was in charge it was the place to be in JNJ. He had the ability to make work fun. Best working years of my life. This guy they have in there now is an idiot. He has crashed the company, destroyed the culture, and runs it like a dictatorship. If ROHINISH HOODA is still there I would stay far away from that place. He promised supply of surgiflo for over a year and has no control of supply chain. All he can do is blame sales for not making up for his true lack of control. If you disagree with him you are fired. I think JNJ is so occupied with ETHICON endo and ETHICON suture coming together that no one is watching what he has done to the company. Sad

Couldn't agree more with the previous post. That was a great place to work, I was lucky enough to get out before RH completely ran that place into the ground. Funny it's one of two divisions that aren't cutting positions, yet 3 out of 4 reps there want out. No product, no problem, hit your number or get on RH's magic list. What a leader. Claim to fame is collecting orders for Zyrtec when it when over the counter, sounds tough. "Yes walmart, you can have 900 truck loads this month," nice close.

Unfortunately, many of my friends still work there. If RH has anything to say about it, this company will be all pharma and b2b reps within 2-3 years, and they'll just think that this culture is what Med device is all about. RH will get promoted and just leave Biosurgery to be merged with the rest of the General Surgery Blob, another check box on his development plan, thanks for playing.

This is interesting, I worked for EP and had been contacted about a job with this division. The pitch I received sounded like they were, "doing me a favor." But from the sound of things, I would highly question their motive. In the end, I passed on an interview after calling a few current and past reps, hopefully if you find yourself in the same position you'll do the same.

About 100 (give or take on any given week). This includes the 78 or so that are looking for new jobs, 12 that want to be managers when they grow up, and about 10 poor souls that are new and have no idea what they've just stepped into.

This company is in perfect position to be swallowed up my another round of reorganization in late 2013-2014. Stay away or look to get out. Personally, my numbers are too good to leave right now, but rest assured, if the right opportunity comes along in the next 6 months, I'm out.

I have worked for Biosurgery for many years and have truly enjoyed the "family" atmosphere as well as the money. The products are superier to Baxter's hands down. It's definitely been a tough year with product supply but I challenge anyone who doesnt think this a great company to go somewhere else and see how great you have it. J&J is one of the best companies to work for with excellent benefits as well as products, good luck finding a company like this and ESPECIALLY Biosurgery. Regardless of recalls, which every company has, there are many ways to hit your number and making excuses for the person in charge is just an EXCUSE.

I could'nt agree more. If you don't like the company leave, no one is forcing you to stay. Good luck finding a company where you can make the kind of money you can make at Biosurgery.