US Endoscopy to be sold

I have been trying to post a nice apple pie recipe on this blog a couple of times now so that some of the folks here can do something better and productive with their time. Apparently that apple pie recipe is too offensive for the moderator of this quality blog to accept. I must say that is rather hilarious concidering the filth that is excepted here. Perhaps that says something about the nature of this place.

Proud of working for US Endoscopy!

Well i find it hard to believe that they would sell when business is booming everyone is happy about the new products and management bends over backwards to be within compliance on all levels and gives great incentive programs but if this is true if the COO leaves then you know for sure its gonna happen otherwise i would treat it as just that a rumor which from my experience was always a load of crap!!!

I have been trying to post a nice apple pie recipe on this blog a couple of times now so that some of the folks here can do something better and productive with their time. Apparently that apple pie recipe is too offensive for the moderator of this quality blog to accept. I must say that is rather hilarious concidering the filth that is excepted here. Perhaps that says something about the nature of this place.

Proud of working for US Endoscopy!

Yes!! You tell 'em Gulam! Way to put them nasty haters and mean ol' moderators in their place!

 do the Employees feel that came over from STERIS? Guess its coming full circle. I heard Heisley Road Gym is hiring. I will double dip as long as I can but I am sure we all are going to be shown the door soon.

I wish I would have known about this sooner. 100% agree management is very bad, I have never worked for worse. They truly don't know what there doing. I had wished for some time that there would be replacements, Steris will take care of that. All the folks in manufacturing management need to go and be replaced with qualified people. I feel for the Reps, I actually kept track of launch vs complaint time of new products. How long do you guys think it will take
Steris to shut the place down or move it to some low wage country???

I wouldn't anticipate many changes for some time. If you are a sales rep your gold. Steris will probably give you some capital products that Steris reps hate selling to go along with your disposable stuff. Steris doesn't call on the GI department at all and we have some stuff that we really don't promote all that well into the GI area. The management staff at Steris is pretty good. Communication at Steris sucks. The comp plan sucks compaired to other companies but the culture is decent. It's not a churn and burn company. If Steris ever gets is structure right this could be one incredible place to work. I certainly wouldn't panic if I worked at US Endo. Nothing at Steris happens fast... NOTHING.

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