Any truth to Zimmer's trabecular implant?

Why do you ASSume I work for a competitor? I don't. And "almost $1 mil in 3 months" isn't that good when you figure it costs $400+. That calculates out to about 20 implants/rep. That's only 1 or 2 surgeons in each territory buying. Big deal.

The funny thing is that a lot of the Surgeons placing this New Implant are Competitive. So that means instant Market share grab for Zimmer. Look at what happened in Orthopeadic. Zimmer had a #3 Market position before Trabecular Metal came out in 1998. They are now #1 and are larger than every other Orthopeadic Company combined together worldwide. Zimmer Dental is in about the same place and Trabecular Metal has the legs to walk it right into #1 Market Share in Dental.

The funny thing is that a lot of the Surgeons placing this New Implant are Competitive. So that means instant Market share grab for Zimmer. Look at what happened in Orthopeadic. Zimmer had a #3 Market position before Trabecular Metal came out in 1998. They are now #1 and are larger than every other Orthopeadic Company combined together worldwide. Zimmer Dental is in about the same place and Trabecular Metal has the legs to walk it right into #1 Market Share in Dental.

Keep drinking the baby blue koolaid!

The funny thing is that a lot of the Surgeons placing this New Implant are Competitive. So that means instant Market share grab for Zimmer. Look at what happened in Orthopeadic. Zimmer had a #3 Market position before Trabecular Metal came out in 1998. They are now #1 and are larger than every other Orthopeadic Company combined together worldwide. Zimmer Dental is in about the same place and Trabecular Metal has the legs to walk it right into #1 Market Share in Dental.

Big difference between orthopedic and dental. Just ask the guys who used to sell Infuse. Plenty of precedents for ortho ideas having catastrophic failures in dental. Who knows what will happen? Hopefully, for their patients, Zimmer didn't jump the gun here.

But let's say it really does work- is there any question that Jerry will have something similar out within the next year for less than half the price and continue to pound Zimmer into the bloody lifeless carcass that they are now?

Big difference between orthopedic and dental. Just ask the guys who used to sell Infuse. Plenty of precedents for ortho ideas having catastrophic failures in dental. Who knows what will happen? Hopefully, for their patients, Zimmer didn't jump the gun here.

But let's say it really does work- is there any question that Jerry will have something similar out within the next year for less than half the price and continue to pound Zimmer into the bloody lifeless carcass that they are now?

Jerry is a "has been". Jerry could never be smart enough to figure out what J&J, Striker, Biomet, and Synthese have been trying to figure out for 14 years now. Face it, you work for the biggest tool box who ever lived. He did somthing great 30 years ago and is still riding that success into the ground. Keep working for that guy and your career will be nonexistant in 5 years.

Jerry is a "has been". Jerry could never be smart enough to figure out what J&J, Striker, Biomet, and Synthese have been trying to figure out for 14 years now. Face it, you work for the biggest tool box who ever lived. He did somthing great 30 years ago and is still riding that success into the ground. Keep working for that guy and your career will be nonexistant in 5 years.

Well, this post tells the world the level of the brain trust working at Zimmer today. You are spewing what you heard some speaker say. For the record: J&J's ortho division is DePuy. "Striker" is spelled Stryker. Synthese is spelled Synthes. You have a 75% failure rate.

Another one wrong- I don't work for Jerry and never have. But, as an astute competitor, I know my competitors and their products better than most of them- and obviously know yours better than you.

One final correction- Jerry invented the internal connection 26 years ago- not 30.

Wow- keep on with those rigorous hiring practices, Zimmer! Were you working for Yellowbook last week? Or maybe Verizon? Hertz?


Well, this post tells the world the level of the brain trust working at Zimmer today. You are spewing what you heard some speaker say. For the record: J&J's ortho division is DePuy. "Striker" is spelled Stryker. Synthese is spelled Synthes. You have a 75% failure rate.

Another one wrong- I don't work for Jerry and never have. But, as an astute competitor, I know my competitors and their products better than most of them- and obviously know yours better than you.

One final correction- Jerry invented the internal connection 26 years ago- not 30.

Wow- keep on with those rigorous hiring practices, Zimmer! Were you working for Yellowbook last week? Or maybe Verizon? Hertz?


Yeah sure, you are an astute competitor. More of a total "Ass" I might say. I'm glad you don't work for Zimmer. Obviously the company you do work for must be sucking major wind right now if they chose to hire a complete deuce bag like you.

Yeah sure, you are an astute competitor. More of a total "Ass" I might say. I'm glad you don't work for Zimmer. Obviously the company you do work for must be sucking major wind right now if they chose to hire a complete deuce bag like you.

I am an ass?

You are calling me names, like a second grader.

Really? That's the best you could come up with?

No wonder Implant Direct is eating your lunch. You are nowhere near ready to go toe to toe with me, rookie.

Those Zimmer hires never fail to impress... HAHAHAhahahahaa!

I am an ass?

You are calling me names, like a second grader.

Really? That's the best you could come up with?

No wonder Implant Direct is eating your lunch. You are nowhere near ready to go toe to toe with me, rookie.

Those Zimmer hires never fail to impress... HAHAHAhahahahaa!

I'm no rookie. I've got 6 years. How about you? I have also taken accounts away from you every year because of the low quality shit you sell. Thanks. Its funny that you guys tell the Dr.'s to use our Surgical Kit to place your cheap ass Implants. Implant Direct has never been able to take 1 decent Account away from me in 6 years. Even at the peak of this awefull economy in 2009. What does that say about your Company? What does that say about you? Your resume is so impressive that you could only get a job selling the lowest quality products for an abortion of a Company where you have no Sales Quota's. Sounds like a real Class A organization.

All bow down this rep with 6 years of experience! Will you be my mentor and best friend? Will you teach me all there is about dental implants and how to act like a second grader? Will you guide me through the difficult jungle of dental specialists and GP's ? Will you show me how to cry like a baby when I get picked on with funny and truthful posts on cafe pharma.. Please, please with sugar on top. You are my hero!

All bow down this rep with 6 years of experience! Will you be my mentor and best friend? Will you teach me all there is about dental implants and how to act like a second grader? Will you guide me through the difficult jungle of dental specialists and GP's ? Will you show me how to cry like a baby when I get picked on with funny and truthful posts on cafe pharma.. Please, please with sugar on top. You are my hero!

You are such a tool. How many times do you tell yourself in the mirror every morning that you are a confident, good looking, sharp sales person that works for a good solid stable company with a future? You live a sad life. Enjoy the clone wars that are taking place right now. Interlock is selling in the US for $59 through distributors. I bet they are eating your lunch right now because "low price" is all that you sell on. Right?

You are such a tool. How many times do you tell yourself in the mirror every morning that you are a confident, good looking, sharp sales person that works for a good solid stable company with a future? You live a sad life. Enjoy the clone wars that are taking place right now. Interlock is selling in the US for $59 through distributors. I bet they are eating your lunch right now because "low price" is all that you sell on. Right?

Interlock!!! lol

You must be kidding!

The brain trust at Zimmer is astounding! It is Intra-lock. How many competitors can you list and spell properly?

We all laugh at you in the field the way we are here!

By the way, as I said before, I don't work for Niz. My salary alone is 30% higher than what his reps make with quota any given year. Please pay attention.

Interlock!!! lol

You must be kidding!

The brain trust at Zimmer is astounding! It is Intra-lock. How many competitors can you list and spell properly?

We all laugh at you in the field the way we are here!

By the way, as I said before, I don't work for Niz. My salary alone is 30% higher than what his reps make with quota any given year. Please pay attention.

Who cares about the spelling. Are you trying out for Jeopardy? I bet you work for a low market share clone Company with 0 future. Thats why they pay you so much money. Because they have to bribe people to sell their worthless crap to the market. You pay attention moron.

Who discounts their prices to lower than MIS, ID BlueSky etc? Zimmer does, not Straumann or Astra, not Nobel, not 3i, only Zimmer is cutting their prices lower than the cheap implants. Straumann and Astra do not have to discount to keep their customers. So there crybaby. My monthly quota is more than your yearly quota little Z rep. Get your blankey and pacifier and go to bed. WaWaWa tell it to your mommy little boy!

Who discounts their prices to lower than MIS, ID BlueSky etc? Zimmer does, not Straumann or Astra, not Nobel, not 3i, only Zimmer is cutting their prices lower than the cheap implants. Straumann and Astra do not have to discount to keep their customers. So there crybaby. My monthly quota is more than your yearly quota little Z rep. Get your blankey and pacifier and go to bed. WaWaWa tell it to your mommy little boy!

Zimmer is now selling its new Implants for $450 with $0 discounting. That is more than what your inferior technology costs. Zimmer has never discounted lower than clones. Wake up dude. Also, I could list hundreds of accounts that get pretty deep discounts from Staumann, Nobel, Astra and especially 3i. What fantasy do you live in?

Who discounts their prices to lower than MIS, ID BlueSky etc? Zimmer does, not Straumann or Astra, not Nobel, not 3i, only Zimmer is cutting their prices lower than the cheap implants. Straumann and Astra do not have to discount to keep their customers. So there crybaby. My monthly quota is more than your yearly quota little Z rep. Get your blankey and pacifier and go to bed. WaWaWa tell it to your mommy little boy!

Correction (early) $495 with $0 discounting. Keep grasping at those straws dude. You are a total loser.

TSV $150.00 in all area of the US. Keep dreaming if you think a surgeon will choose to pay you $459.00 for a dog tested implant made of a metal that has had several recalls in orthopedic uses, over a Straumann or Astra you really are crazy. What planet do you live on? BTW from what I hear the first doctors to take the plunge with this new implant (with a free implant provided by Zimmer) are GP's. We hear you buddy and so do the men in the little white suits.

Who cares about the spelling. Are you trying out for Jeopardy? I bet you work for a low market share clone Company with 0 future. Thats why they pay you so much money. Because they have to bribe people to sell their worthless crap to the market. You pay attention moron.

People who pay attention to detail do. For example, clinicians who look at bone resorption over 5 years in the 10ths of millimeters.

So if I am understanding what you just said, I am paid very well so that I can sell my worthless crap? lol I am actually paid well to help docs see through the smoke that entry level reps like you blow into their eyes to try to get them to pay nearly $500 for an untested implant. I give them the logic and science that cuts through your cloud of orthopedic fluff untested in the oral cavity like a hot knife through butter. That is why the only clinicians that I work with who have those implants on their shelf were *given* them.

And there they sit... Kinda like you- sitting there trying to think of a logical reply to my searing commentary.

People who pay attention to detail do. For example, clinicians who look at bone resorption over 5 years in the 10ths of millimeters.

So if I am understanding what you just said, I am paid very well so that I can sell my worthless crap? lol I am actually paid well to help docs see through the smoke that entry level reps like you blow into their eyes to try to get them to pay nearly $500 for an untested implant. I give them the logic and science that cuts through your cloud of orthopedic fluff untested in the oral cavity like a hot knife through butter. That is why the only clinicians that I work with who have those implants on their shelf were *given* them.

And there they sit... Kinda like you- sitting there trying to think of a logical reply to my searing commentary.

Rookie comment. The Trabecular Metal Technology has been in Orthopeadic for 14 years an is what took Zimmer from the #3 to the #1 Market position worldwide. It was not just tested in dogs in Dental. A Human Dental Impalnt trial was completed which is what the FDA based its approval on for Zimmer to start selling it in the US. Are you saying that you know better than the FDA? Zimmer has never given out Implants. Ever. We are the "only" fully ADVAMED Compliant organization in the industry. Your so called "searing commentary" is rookie, uninformed, petty and completely ignorant. All of your so called logic and science that you give them is Company marketing fluff from a Company who cloned Internal Connections from Jerry Niznick in 1986. Had it not been for that, your Company probably would not exist.

TSV $150.00 in all area of the US. Keep dreaming if you think a surgeon will choose to pay you $459.00 for a dog tested implant made of a metal that has had several recalls in orthopedic uses, over a Straumann or Astra you really are crazy. What planet do you live on? BTW from what I hear the first doctors to take the plunge with this new implant (with a free implant provided by Zimmer) are GP's. We hear you buddy and so do the men in the little white suits.

Every 1 of the 16 Early Market Evaluation Dr.'s was a Surgeon. Majority Oral Surgeons and the rest Periodontists. Keep grasping for straws loser. Your ship is sinking fast!