vet channel sales expansion

@ hills foe life: I guess you didn't have an answer, which means you dont work for Hills...anyone out there that is professional and can provide some feedback will be great...I have a family to take care of just need some accurate info...

If you get hired your family can always eat the dog food, low pay for low lifes

If you get hired your family can always eat the dog food, low pay for low lifes

Com'on Guys . Grow up . If you don't have anything good and supportive to say to people who are going through difficult times in this bad economy - Then just shut up. Put your foot in the other person's shoe . These are stressful times for some . Please, if anyone has the info . being asked for by the person who recently had the interview with Hils ---Just share it . THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, I just had a f2f interview with Hills for territory mgr position Vet channel. I would like some Feedback on time it usually takes for them to make decision? If they are going to hire you, who usually calls? Do they check reference before offer or after? Where their any indicators if you will get hired? Do they let you know if you were not selected? Interview lasted about 45 min...seem to go well... Please help!


Com'on Guys . Grow up . If you don't have anything good and supportive to say to people who are going through difficult times in this bad economy - Then just shut up. Put your foot in the other person's shoe . These are stressful times for some . Please, if anyone has the info . being asked for by the person who recently had the interview with Hils ---Just share it . THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!

True, Obama is the worst and he has killed our economy. That still doesn’t excuse Hills putting their same weight loss diet in a round box and calling it the “bubble diet” just so then can charge more. Also, it doesn’t excuse your use of “their”.
Tip: don’t let your family eat S/D longer than six months. HAAHAHAHAHAHAH

True, Obama is the worst and he has killed our economy. That still doesn’t excuse Hills putting their same weight loss diet in a round box and calling it the “bubble diet” just so then can charge more. Also, it doesn’t excuse your use of “their”.
Tip: don’t let your family eat S/D longer than six months. HAAHAHAHAHAHAH

You are a fool. You are an ignoramos. You need a life . I pitty you.You must have been neglected as a child . You need LOVE. Take your medication and grow up.-It is better to be thaught of as a fool than to open your mouth to remove all doubt. A word from the wise is but good enough. I hope this helps. Chereo!!!!!

Hey, I just had a f2f interview with Hills for territory mgr position Vet channel. I would like some Feedback on time it usually takes for them to make decision? If they are going to hire you, who usually calls? Do they check reference before offer or after? Where their any indicators if you will get hired? Do they let you know if you were not selected? Interview lasted about 45 min...seem to go well... Please help!

Can someone answer these questions ?Many of us would like the answers but we are too shy to ask. BUT WE ARE READING THE POSTS.

You are a fool. You are an ignoramos. You need a life . I pitty you.You must have been neglected as a child . You need LOVE. Take your medication and grow up.-It is better to be thaught of as a fool than to open your mouth to remove all doubt. A word from the wise is but good enough. I hope this helps. Chereo!!!!!

So you are Pro Obama? Pro Bubble Diet? Pro letting Nimrod’s family eat S/D long then 6 months?
Wise up and get off the Hills Teat

Thanks. Good Luck to you as well. It seems like they may not have made any decisions yet. Can you tell me what you thought of your interview? I know there are 2 start dates. Last Monday in Feb and the first Monday in March.

27th Feb and /or Mar. 5th start dates. I had pannel interview /star questions . I felt good about my performance but don't know who I am up against. Do you know how many people were interviewed for each position?

27th Feb and /or Mar. 5th start dates. I had pannel interview /star questions . I felt good about my performance but don't know who I am up against. Do you know how many people were interviewed for each position?

I felt ok about my performance, Answered the questions well I think. It just depends on what they are looking for. I don't know how many I was up against but they ask if I was relocatable an I said yes to hopefully increase my chances. They elaborated on the territory, etc. I felt good about the overall interview, just a little anxious

I felt ok about my performance, Answered the questions well I think. It just depends on what they are looking for. I don't know how many I was up against but they ask if I was relocatable an I said yes to hopefully increase my chances. They elaborated on the territory, etc. I felt good about the overall interview, just a little anxious

Same here. I said that I was relocatable in the future also .Just playing the waiting game now.

Recently laid off Big Pharma guy Here....What is the expected pay for territory manager salary and bonus potential ? What type of company vehicles do they give you ? How often DM rides with you? Is Quota realistic ? What is the dress code ? Thanks for answers which can help me make some personal decisions.

Same here. I said that I was relocatable in the future also .Just playing the waiting game now.

Yep, that's all we can do at this point. I'm curious if anyone has been offered or if they are just going to wait until all interviews are done. I know they are interviewing this week as well. So maybe they will all meet back at corporate and collaborate on where people will be placed before they make any offers. Especially with this many positions.

Recently laid off Big Pharma guy Here....What is the expected pay for territory manager salary and bonus potential ? What type of company vehicles do they give you ? How often DM rides with you? Is Quota realistic ? What is the dress code ? Thanks for answers which can help me make some personal decisions.

Have you been contacted for interview? Pay isn't as competitive as pharma. Not sure of car type. According to expansion, dm rides seem to be at least once a month. Quota is questionable but achievable.

Have you been contacted for interview? Pay isn't as competitive as pharma. Not sure of car type. According to expansion, dm rides seem to be at least once a month. Quota is questionable but achievable.

Yes, I have been invited to interview. I hope that my past 6 figure income does not disqualify me . At the same time I need to make an income that I can live on. Any ballpark
range that I can expect to be paid in this position?