Rotech compared to other DME companies


Just wondering how Rotech compares to other DME companies (Lincare, Apria, AHP, ect)

Is it a good company to work for?
What kind of market share do they have?
What is their primary business model?

I realize there are a lot of negative posts ALL OVER Cafe Pharma. Please respond if you have the answers to these questions and can respond in an objective and professional manner. Thanks.

Just wondering how Rotech compares to other DME companies (Lincare, Apria, AHP, ect)

Is it a good company to work for?
What kind of market share do they have?
What is their primary business model?

I realize there are a lot of negative posts ALL OVER Cafe Pharma. Please respond if you have the answers to these questions and can respond in an objective and professional manner. Thanks.

When you read the negative post...they do have a common theme. Take them to heart.

Generally it is not a good company to work for.
Most locations do not have an RT to service patients. They have PST/CSR's who have no medial background doing a set up for CPAP/BIPAP. Plus, they are doing rest/exercises.
Their market share is lower most times due to a lack of staff in the stores to carry out what their Sales Rep promises the Dr's they can deliver. No staff = no deliveries

Business model - Bill - Bill - Bill even if the customer doesn't want it

There are some areas that are top class, wonderful managers and staff. Just be on the look out for the ones that are not.

Ask about turnover in the location.

Hey George... Tell the truth about Blotech. Let any potential employees know this company is going "down the tubes". As a previous poster mentioned....look at the totality of the postings and look for a common thread.

Yea let's hear them! NOT that any LCM is capable of following "regs" in some areas. They are all pretty good at faking those reports with the help of their AM's. Am's who are in over their heads too, in some areas that is. lol

Everyone yawn together now. It's the same old stuff, wash rinse AND repeat. Often too by the postings on this board.

Like anyone really has any real information on "new" regulations

If you did not get the memo regarding the new regs then you should ask your AM. If the AM did not get them then there is a communication problem with the RM. It seems that some of you have been left out of the communication. Most all the staff at the location have been informed at their morning meeting.

I am really surprised you are dumb enough to admit to everyone thay you missed the memo on the new regs and claim there is no no new regs.

If you did not get the memo regarding the new regs then you should ask your AM. If the AM did not get them then there is a communication problem with the RM. It seems that some of you have been left out of the communication. Most all the staff at the location have been informed at their morning meeting.

I am really surprised you are dumb enough to admit to everyone thay you missed the memo on the new regs and claim there is no no new regs.

If you just want to go the round about way to complain about the Big R, RM then do it already. It's not like there are to many AM's left. They headed for the hills and a REAL job

If you just want to go the round about way to complain about the Big R, RM then do it already. It's not like there are to many AM's left. They headed for the hills and a REAL job

There are no "New Regs'

Updated stuff comes out all the time, but the completed process is done once a year and are sent out all at once. Is part of the Yearly Mandatory Annual Training.