LC: Sales Force is a mess

Not all reps. But yeah be realistic/proactive Eisai and let the one's you don't need go! I am sure I am not alone when I say...I would like to get on with my life! And please leave the video cameras at the expensive studio you are renting them from and get real! Seriously.

Not all reps. But yeah be realistic/proactive Eisai and let the one's you don't need go! I am sure I am not alone when I say...I would like to get on with my life! And please leave the video cameras at the expensive studio you are renting them from and get real! Seriously.

wake up. you say let the bad reps go but then you say you don't want cameras. what do you think the filming is for????? To support the firing of bad reps. can't you put 2 and 2 together or is that to hard for you?

Wow, you're the one that can't put two and two together...did you not see what happened last time. Some of the best reps were let go, while idiots like you are still around. Recording is too expensive: I've seen the bill. Not a good return in investment. I know I am using big words, have I lost you yet? Everyone knows who are the good reps and who are not, you don't need "fake" detailing to figuere that out.
Boy you are an idiot! Hope you are gone soon.

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