

After the IT reduction of an astonishing proportion, they "plan" to transition all of this stuff to Accidenture in 5 months.

I'm not sure which is more disheartening, the fact that they think they can do that in that time frame in a department seething with apathy, or the fact that in traditional Takeda style, we chose the end date and then thought about how much work is there.

Which is worse, to lose your job, or keep it in this environment?

Good luck - whichever side you ended up on

Yeah, and nothing in the papers about this particular layoff yet - unless I missed it.

Maybe the Chicago Tribune needs a tip - since Takeda did Deerfield such a huge favor by building their monolith smack on the tollway, and now that it's finished (except for minor electrical outages) they are proceeding to empty it!

After the IT reduction of an astonishing proportion, they "plan" to transition all of this stuff to Accidenture in 5 months.

I'm not sure which is more disheartening, the fact that they think they can do that in that time frame in a department seething with apathy, or the fact that in traditional Takeda style, we chose the end date and then thought about how much work is there.

Which is worse, to lose your job, or keep it in this environment?

Good luck - whichever side you ended up on

Considering Accenture charges about 200 bucks an hour per employee, I don't really see how this is saving any money....oh wait was it "24 hour global support" that drove this??? Thats right I forgot the home office is filled with people at 2 am needing support...what a fuckin cop out. I'm pretty sure over 50% of IT didn't need to get cut to support a "global" model. Its alright give it 1-2 years and once IT bottoms out with the shittiest support known to man upper management will lose their jobs and see how it feels to be sent packin like the rest of the people they just cut. Have fun with's to the beginning of the end for Takeda IT

Lee needs to get his head out of his ass and start learning about IT, He has no idea on how to run an organization. Can’t wait to see the day that he is forced to quit.