AHM buys Advogent


Understand that AHM purchased Advogent (or what is left of Advogent, formerly Cardinal Health, formerly BLP! Not much left here to buy. Most of the better people have left.
Good luck!

You are so misinformed about the quality of people that are still at Advogent. Let's go and kick the competition square in the nuts while they are going through the pains of finding out if they have a job or not over this, the most wonderful time of the year. Your compassion is apalling and you should be ashamed of yourself. Hope and pray that it does not happen to you.
Merry Christmas

You are so misinformed about the quality of people that are still at Advogent. Let's go and kick the competition square in the nuts while they are going through the pains of finding out if they have a job or not over this, the most wonderful time of the year. Your compassion is apalling and you should be ashamed of yourself. Hope and pray that it does not happen to you.
Merry Christmas

It seems an Advogent manager is checking in before their neck is placed on the chopping block. We'll see their quality when they are left after the massive layoffs.

Good luck to the remote employees. I'm sure you will be the first to go. Time to get out and buy some REAL work clothes, not the pajamas you work in.

It seems an Advogent manager is checking in before their neck is placed on the chopping block. We'll see their quality when they are left after the massive layoffs.

Good luck to the remote employees. I'm sure you will be the first to go. Time to get out and buy some REAL work clothes, not the pajamas you work in.

The pajamas you work in? We don't wear pajamas........we sit around nude!
You are just jealous. Your company has yet to realize the value of remote employees and continues to micro manage. One day it will come back to bite you in the ass.
P.S. I am not an Advogent manager, I work for a living!

It seems an Advogent manager is checking in before their neck is placed on the chopping block. We'll see their quality when they are left after the massive layoffs.

Good luck to the remote employees. I'm sure you will be the first to go. Time to get out and buy some REAL work clothes, not the pajamas you work in.

Most likely manager Michelle "Un"Wise from Wayne. No leadership, stabs people behind their back, kisses butt to upper management, has the "I am black so you can't fire me syndrome." Totally worthless. Pray that you don't get her or Kevin knows who is good and who is not to get rid of. Also if he keeps Blake DeShittone he is making a horrible error

Most likely manager Michelle "Un"Wise from Wayne. No leadership, stabs people behind their back, kisses butt to upper management, has the "I am black so you can't fire me syndrome." Totally worthless. Pray that you don't get her or Kevin knows who is good and who is not to get rid of. Also if he keeps Blake DeShittone he is making a horrible error

LOL...the initial quote was encouraging to those who are possibly losing their jobs, however I cannot take credit for the post. To all those who have had so much to say about me over the past years, I still wish you nothing but the absolute best. Race seems to mean more to you than it has EVER meant to me in the workplace, therefore look deep down within yourself to figure out why you haven't gotten where you would have liked in your career. Sorry but you definitely have the wrong person "back stabber, butt kisser" when referring to me. Again, if you are in a stable position, all the best. Now focus on your worthless life instead of posting negativity. Oh and while race always gets people all worked up, try another angle. It's definitely getting old. No need for me to hide behind anonymity, and as always, thanks for keeping me in mind...cowards!!! MJ

If it were the real UnWise writing the above, the initials would be MW, not MJ...coward!!

I love this! People who know MJ clearly are aware of the 'new' initials (actually it's probably been 2-3 years). Must be a past, disgruntle employee that hasn't been in Wayne for several years. If you are going to talk crap at least get your facts straight. Get a job and a life!

LOL...the initial quote was encouraging to those who are possibly losing their jobs, however I cannot take credit for the post. To all those who have had so much to say about me over the past years, I still wish you nothing but the absolute best. Race seems to mean more to you than it has EVER meant to me in the workplace, therefore look deep down within yourself to figure out why you haven't gotten where you would have liked in your career. Sorry but you definitely have the wrong person "back stabber, butt kisser" when referring to me. Again, if you are in a stable position, all the best. Now focus on your worthless life instead of posting negativity. Oh and while race always gets people all worked up, try another angle. It's definitely getting old. No need for me to hide behind anonymity, and as always, thanks for keeping me in mind...cowards!!! MJ

Don't think you play the race card, but seriously need to think that if enough people are saying the same things about you (eg, backstabber) you may want to seriously consider why the backlash against you, whether true or not. Also consider that sometimes, in rumors, there is a grain of truth. No one should be bashed on these boards, but sometimes it gives people an opportunity to vent when they feel powerless. You may want to think about what is being said (repeatedly) and consider why this recurring perception exists. It's an opportunity for self-reflection and growth.

Congrats to AHM and Kevin for stealing Advogent or what is left of it. Also, some of the above posts verify that Advogent management was reading CafePharma (MJ as an example) Too bad that they did not take some of our suggestions seriously...maybe the company would have still been alive and growing.
For my colleagues who went with AHM, good luck!

Former Advogent, new AHM here: This sucks. Management has no clue. We are a sinking ship in my opinion. I am already tired of the broken promises, working OT nights and weekends. Sorry I didn't choose unemployment, really.

Former Advogent, new AHM here: This sucks. Management has no clue. We are a sinking ship in my opinion. I am already tired of the broken promises, working OT nights and weekends. Sorry I didn't choose unemployment, really.

So sorry to hear that. Jobs are hard to find and unemployment is not what it is cracked up to be! Stick it out and keep looking.