genentech relocation benefits


I'm not w/Roche, actually I'm with Wyeth and if you're following the industry you'll know we're about to be swallowed up by Pfizer. Anyway, if I get laid off I'm considering seeking employment with Genentech out in SSF. What kind of relocation benefits are they offering you Roche folks to move out from NJ? I heard they are pretty generous w/relocation packages. I am in Collegeville, which is suburban Philly.

Ok you fuckwad troll....listen up.
The relo packages are being offered to ROCHE employees that are offered jobs with Genentech, not to those outside the company trying to join it. You want to move to SSF? do so on your own dime, then try to get a job with DNA.

I'm not w/Roche, actually I'm with Wyeth and if you're following the industry you'll know we're about to be swallowed up by Pfizer. Anyway, if I get laid off I'm considering seeking employment with Genentech out in SSF. What kind of relocation benefits are they offering you Roche folks to move out from NJ? I heard they are pretty generous w/relocation packages. I am in Collegeville, which is suburban Philly.

If you happen to get a job offer from Genentech, the relocation benefits are fairly generous. You will get a cost of living increase which will be paid monthly over a 3 year period. You will also get a Relocation Loan which must be used as a downpayment on a house. The amount will depend on the level of the position. The Relocation is interest free but must be paid back after 5 years. You will need this extra money in order to live in the Bay Area. Everything costs significantly more in the Bay Area compared to almost anyplace in the US (housing, taxes, utilities, food, etc.). Even with the reduced prices in the housing market, you still will get much less of home than you are used to for probably double the price and with no property. The Cost of Living and Relocation Loans lock you in to buying a home in the Bay Area. If you leave the company, the Relocation Loan is due in full immediately. Genentech also is not all that people make it out to be. The culture is significantly different than Wyeth and other Big Pharma companies. Take it from someone who moved from the East Coast to Genentech - moving to the Bay Area will be a culture shock. I moved back to the East Coast after 2.5 years at Genentech and couldn't be happier. From someone that has been there, do your homework if you decide to consider a job with Genentech...

If you happen to get a job offer from Genentech, the relocation benefits are fairly generous. You will get a cost of living increase which will be paid monthly over a 3 year period. You will also get a Relocation Loan which must be used as a downpayment on a house. The amount will depend on the level of the position. The Relocation is interest free but must be paid back after 5 years. You will need this extra money in order to live in the Bay Area. Everything costs significantly more in the Bay Area compared to almost anyplace in the US (housing, taxes, utilities, food, etc.). Even with the reduced prices in the housing market, you still will get much less of home than you are used to for probably double the price and with no property. The Cost of Living and Relocation Loans lock you in to buying a home in the Bay Area. If you leave the company, the Relocation Loan is due in full immediately. Genentech also is not all that people make it out to be. The culture is significantly different than Wyeth and other Big Pharma companies. Take it from someone who moved from the East Coast to Genentech - moving to the Bay Area will be a culture shock. I moved back to the East Coast after 2.5 years at Genentech and couldn't be happier. From someone that has been there, do your homework if you decide to consider a job with Genentech...

The COLA is reduced every year and your salary increase will not keep up with the loss in COLA year after year.

The science is important, but that is mostly a smoke screen. It is all about perception at Genentech; results are not as important. If you smile a lot but don't actually accomplish anything, you will do well. If you try to come into Genentech by telling people how you did things at Wyeth, Merck, Pfizer, etc., you will get nowhere fast. Genentech people love to talk about what a great place it is to work, how all opinions are appreciated, but I found that this was not the case at all and the opposite was actually true.

The gravy train at Genentech is over, too. You will never make enough money in raises to offset the loss of the COLA after 3 years. Good luck to you if you decide to go to Genentech. Just my honest opinion based on experience.

Thanks, how is the culture different? The people I've interviewed with so far seem to be way into the science and less into the sales and marketing.

does anyone understand if you leave the company how the second mortgage works and if you walk from it and don't pay it what re-course legally the company has to come after you?
isnt it only the first mortgage they can go after and with the homes under water in ca they'd incure more debt by doing so than writing off the loan balance for the second?

Lotsa fringe benefits for managers with Genentech?/enencor connections here in England. nooky on tap from 'friendly' lady reps whetehr they still work for us or not
I'm not w/Roche, actually I'm with Wyeth and if you're following the industry you'll know we're about to be swallowed up by Pfizer. Anyway, if I get laid off I'm considering seeking employment with Genentech out in SSF. What kind of relocation benefits are they offering you Roche folks to move out from NJ? I heard they are pretty generous w/relocation packages. I am in Collegeville, which is suburban Philly.

Roche relo for GNE merger was a one off special deal.
You basically got $100k and were responsible for all costs (closing of house, flights etc.)
You could work it to suit yourself, as many did.
GNE relo was nice before Roche. Cost of living adjustment - 3 to 12 months housing assistance (up to discretion of manager).
However please remember CA taxes are high, schools are terrible and the culture that was GNE is gone. Most of the upper management there are due to political alliances, not ability.
The smart ones left the company as they saw writing on the wall.
Good luck

Brisbane is right next to Genentech SSF and is very affordable and safe. The culture is diverse and the scenic views of the water, San Bruno Mt. and SF are incredible. A good alternative, and the money you save on real estate, you can use towards private high school, college and still have money left over.

Ok you fuckwad troll....listen up.
The relo packages are being offered to ROCHE employees that are offered jobs with Genentech, not to those outside the company trying to join it. You want to move to SSF? do so on your own dime, then try to get a job with DNA.

Classy, I didn't realize Genentech employed trailer trash

Classy, I didn't realize Genentech employed trailer trash

Yes some and they tend to live in Fairfield/Vacaville/Dixon corridor.

Good luck to them when the big RIF arrives as no other pharma companies in SF area offer GNE bus service nor allow FTEs for work from home all the time 'cos hey live too far from SSF.

Classy, I didn't realize Genentech employed trailer trash

Yes some and they tend to live in Fairfield/Vacaville/Dixon corridor.

Good luck to them when the big RIF arrives as no other pharma companies in SF area offer GNE bus service nor allow FTEs for work from home all the time 'cos hey live too far from SSF.

Classy, I didn't realize Genentech employed trailer trash

Roche Molecular Systems in Pleasanton is full of such trash.

Getting a job with Roche was too easy. After realizing the cumulative calibre of the Pleasanton trash, I walked away in a little over a year. Unbelievable low IQ'ed filth.. Much happier doing some real work for another billion dollar company since then.

Roche Molecular Systems in Pleasanton is full of such trash.

Getting a job with Roche was too easy. After realizing the cumulative calibre of the Pleasanton trash, I walked away in a little over a year. Unbelievable low IQ'ed filth.. Much happier doing some real work for another billion dollar company since then.

That's what we heard at GNE and thus stayed away from the "internal" candidates from Pleasanton.

That's what we heard at GNE and thus stayed away from the "internal" candidates from Pleasanton.

Wise decision. The management is worse. Unbelievable as to how their VPs and Directors came to be appointed to those positions with no real accomplishments, none! Sadly, with all the Roche 'acquisition' hype that is happening at the moment, some of these VPs are being given face-time in conferences.