
The Ft.Dodge and Webster rep in my terr. are getting hosp. to return all Frontline and bring in lots of Promeris.

Same can be said for Advantix and Advantage. Returning it. They are tired of seeing it in every petstore and website and cableas and target, etc. Although, Promeris is now for sell on medicines4yourpet.com. Track and trace my ass.

Webster is going to blow up Merial, I am a Webster rep in Florida and it has been easy.
You have Webster and Fort Dodge talking about this and you have the vets ears. why does SummitVETFARMA not sell with Webster? Saw the detailer, wish I had it.

Same can be said for Advantix and Advantage. Returning it. They are tired of seeing it in every petstore and website and cableas and target, etc. Although, Promeris is now for sell on medicines4yourpet.com. Track and trace my ass.

This is a European website and it would be illegal for them to ship to USA.

All I'm saying is the track and trace will not live up to its billing. Ft. Dodge is hanging their hat on this, and it is not foolproof. Be careful how you present it.

Fort Dodge is not telling vets that Track and Trace will keep Promeris from reaching OTC channels. Quite the contray. My FD rep tells vets that it will definitely find it's way to the internet. Once it's there they'll purchase some, scan it, than cut off the vet that diverted it from future purchases. That's how my FD rep presents it, and so far vets love the idea.

It took too long to get here, but I'm so glad we're carrying Promeris instead of Frontline.

How does it feel to know that everyone of your accounts will be told by everyone of our sales reps that Target has Frontline.
And there is no doubt that Frontline will be completely OTC by Jan 2008.
Every account will hear this.

How does it feel to know that everyone of your accounts will be told by everyone of our sales reps that Target has Frontline.
And there is no doubt that Frontline will be completely OTC by Jan 2008.
Every account will hear this.

Oh scare me you Webster order taker. Go get a real job and then we will talk. Keep taking orders and find out how much Promeris will go direct soon. I am a Pfizer rep and think a monkey could do a distributors job!

Merial Reps... Your day has come.. FD reps now have a product in their bags that will smoke FL! Just wait! All the vets are sick of you and are waiting for a replacement for FL! HA- The time has come
You may actually need to start learning how to sell- and leave your homes from now on.

Merial Reps... Your day has come.. FD reps now have a product in their bags that will smoke FL! Just wait! All the vets are sick of you and are waiting for a replacement for FL! HA- The time has come
You may actually need to start learning how to sell- and leave your homes from now on.

Sounds like one of our flex reps. She/He forgot to add water to the kool aid mix and got an overdose.

Merial Reps... Your day has come.. FD reps now have a product in their bags that will smoke FL! Just wait! All the vets are sick of you and are waiting for a replacement for FL! HA- The time has come
You may actually need to start learning how to sell- and leave your homes from now on.

My FD rep asked me for Frontline for her dog. She said Promeris stinks like wet beaver and leaves a wet skid mark on her dogs' back. I'm waiting to see when Webster will come crawling back. They always push the flavor of the month. Webster is scum!!

Oh scare me you Webster order taker. Go get a real job and then we will talk. Keep taking orders and find out how much Promeris will go direct soon. I am a Pfizer rep and think a monkey could do a distributors job!

Webster REJECTS become manufacturer reps. You couldn't carry my detail bag Pfizerboy. Someday when you grow up you might work for us in the big leagues...

Whatever, this is probably one of the ugly Merial reps who are scared shit of FD and Webster kicking your ass. All the vets are soo tired of all your shit! We do not even have to sell Promeris, we just have to tell them there is an alternative to Frontline.

Is that why you are talking so much shit on this site? You are kinda like the guy who tells his buddy how much ass he gets. When the night is done it is always the same as they go home alone. Nobody wants Promeris. Sorry. Its a loser and all the talk won't change this fact. Put lipstick on the pig and take it home, ok? You're the only one who wants to do so.

Webster is going to blow up Merial, I am a Webster rep in Florida and it has been easy.
You have Webster and Fort Dodge talking about this and you have the vets ears. why does SummitVETFARMA not sell with Webster? Saw the detailer, wish I had it.

Summit has the best product out there. I agree with this poster.