Liberty Medical - Diabetic Supply


What do you guys know about these products compared to the big three? I know they have previously been in the DTC market only, but what do you know about them? Recruiter just called me. Is One Touch part of this group?

your question does not make sense - Liberty is a DISTRIBUTOR, One Touch is the tag-line of of LifeScan's brand of test strips (of which Liberty sells less and less of). If you watch TV at times when old people do you may recognize Wilfred Brimley (sp?) pitching Liberty - they are rolling out an agressive sales force and just gobbled up National Diabetic Pharmacies - you should probably learn a little bit about the products in the market before interviewing and go further to learn the companies that sell them - good luck!

What is the outlook on this company. They are pretty aggressive gobbling up companies like NDP and Intellisource. Recruiters tell me that they are the largest in the nation in their niche market...? Any information will be appreciated.

Liberty (Polymedica) is a great company in a business sense - not a great company to work for. They make a lot of money and are well-run - just don't walk into a dr's office and say you work for "Liberty".

Is this from experience...? I heard they are putting together a sales force and that the company just needs more exposure directly to the physician/patients. Why not say you work for Liberty...? Any info. is appreciated.

Liberty is the 500 lb gorilla. Generally, mail order companies tend to be a bit shady and the people that work for them are usually washouts from tier 1 companies. This does not mean they are bad, but you have to ask the question, what type of people to you want to work for and work with?

There is some truth in the above comment, however, Liberty is not shady whatsoever...Actually, their compliance with medicare and medicaid is beyond reproach. They already got burned once for inside sales people not following through properly and it cost them several million dollars. They have way too much to lose if it is not run properly. Liberty is the largest in the nation in what they do and guess what, they now have their own glucometer too. Heard through the grapevine that it gives results in 3 seconds and had word class accuracy according to ISO. I am sure that the other glucometer companies are shitting in their pants as we speak waiting for this meter to be rolled out. With their volume, there is no reason why they should not have 12-15% of the market share within one year. Whoever is there now, hold and get ready for a nice ride...

Liberty's plan for their POS glucose meter is this: eliminate their distribution contracts with all other reputable meter manufacturers and then switch their existing Liberty customers to their low end Agamatrix meter, all without the approval or input of healthcare providers. So now granny is going to get a package in the mail with a new meter that she doesn't know how to use, and she won't be able to get the product her doctor intended her to have. If taking the power out of the HCP's hands when it comes to patient care isn't shady, what is? Ask around, most HCP's will say they have an unfavorable opinion about Liberty. The company is definitely not "above reproach."

Liberty's plan for their POS glucose meter is this: eliminate their distribution contracts with all other reputable meter manufacturers and then switch their existing Liberty customers to their low end Agamatrix meter, all without the approval or input of healthcare providers. So now granny is going to get a package in the mail with a new meter that she doesn't know how to use, and she won't be able to get the product her doctor intended her to have. If taking the power out of the HCP's hands when it comes to patient care isn't shady, what is? Ask around, most HCP's will say they have an unfavorable opinion about Liberty. The company is definitely not "above reproach."

Sounds like there is some jealous people out there...The patient will not receive any glucometers without their approval and when the HCP's out there start getting their hands on our meter - they will see that it is a very good product. It was designed with input from a very world renowned Endocrinologist and it has alot going for it! Sorry we won't be pushing the other meters more aggressively but business is business. By the way, I have placed this meter in the hands of many people, and they are very happy with the minimal amount of blood needed, its speed and accuracy. Sorry if this does not make you happy.

Somebody is sipping that kool aid. I'm not sure how diabetics got along without the Liberty meter for so many years now. If only the other meters were designed with input from a world renowned endo. Have fun.

Sounds like there is some jealous people out there...The patient will not receive any glucometers without their approval and when the HCP's out there start getting their hands on our meter - they will see that it is a very good product. It was designed with input from a very world renowned Endocrinologist and it has alot going for it! Sorry we won't be pushing the other meters more aggressively but business is business. By the way, I have placed this meter in the hands of many people, and they are very happy with the minimal amount of blood needed, its speed and accuracy. Sorry if this does not make you happy.
Just a little history in terminology ... glucometer is actually a brand name. The correct term is glucose meter. Like Kleenex has become a common word for tissue...There will be no test and you don't have to thank me :)

Just a little history in terminology ... glucometer is actually a brand name. The correct term is glucose meter. Like Kleenex has become a common word for tissue...There will be no test and you don't have to thank me :) are a genius. Listen, I am not in the game of bitching at other people about what "glucose meter" to use or not - all I am saying is that we have our hands on a product that is very good. Sure, diabetic patients got along fine before our meter but you could apply that same statement to all the meters that came after the initial one - give me a break. We offer a great service that is efficient, hassle free and now we have our own "glucose meter". You can't argue the fact that Liberty has and will continue to be a very successful organization. Just look at the numbers - a little over 20 years and we currently have over 1 million patients using our service nationwinde. I am sure that the meter you are using is awsome too, but the last thing I want to do is start bickering on this freaking site.

The product represents the first time a low cost meter had all the high cost meter attributes. It might only be at Liberty today but in the future, its going everywhere and will be the start of a long term price erosion.

I can't wait to get my new Liberty meter that was "designed" by an unnamed world renowned endo. I bet it even comes with a lancing device and carrying case. Brilliant! Heck, maybe this famous endo can finally tell Mr. Brimley to at least pronounce the disease correctly. My guess is Wilford was the one who actually designed the meter, but because he's such a good actor you thought he really knew what he was talking about. But seriously... since you obviously are the person who keeps dropping off the hundreds of unwanted Liberty fliers in doctors' offices, PLEASE, PLEASE tell your company to stop sending me all of those orthotic shoes! I never ordered them !!!!

I can't wait to get my new Liberty meter that was "designed" by an unnamed world renowned endo. I bet it even comes with a lancing device and carrying case. Brilliant! Heck, maybe this famous endo can finally tell Mr. Brimley to at least pronounce the disease correctly. My guess is Wilford was the one who actually designed the meter, but because he's such a good actor you thought he really knew what he was talking about. But seriously... since you obviously are the person who keeps dropping off the hundreds of unwanted Liberty fliers in doctors' offices, PLEASE, PLEASE tell your company to stop sending me all of those orthotic shoes! I never ordered them !!!!

Mr. Brimley definitely cannot enunciate correctly - granated - but he has gotten this company to the 800 million/annually plateau without a sales force...only DTC. And those fliers - they are sent to physician offices from headquarters and are placed right next to yours...Last but definitely not least, your stuck with the shoes...

Listen, we all have a job to do. Fortunately for me, I have a tremendous amount of stability. In my past life, I did pharmaceuticals and never new when the ax was going to fall. I jumped on this ship and so far it has been tremendous. Good product, nice people and a company that actually listens to its employees. Whatever is putting food on your table - is what's best in your eyes. No, I am not drinking the kool-aid, just stating mere facts. I love my company and what I am doing right now. I hope you are as happy as I am. Have a good day.

Didn't Libery Medical just get bought out by National Diabetic Supply? If that's the case, then things at the company will probably change.

Actually, Liberty is the one who purchased National Diabetic Pharmacy as well as another small player. Things are definitely changing but fortunately for us, we are the ones doing the buying.