Welcome to the Linvatec board


Staff member
  • cafead   Aug 28, 2004 at 04:37: PM
Welcome to the Linvatec company board. Anyone is welcome to post here, whether they are an employee of the company or not. You may post anonymously without registering (registered users please logout before posting if you wish to do so), or with a registered username.

Managers and reps are encouraged to communicate with fellow employees here. If you are interested, we can also provide you with a private, password-protected board for district, etc. Just email webmaster@cafepharma.com for the details.

Trying to get on board with Linvatec?

Any professional suggestions?

I've spent 5 years in b2b sales, tons of pressure, tons of hours, and modest money ($80k - $110k). I want to break into med sales, where I know I have the skills & commitment, but dealing with idiotic recruiters is trying my patience. From what I understand, HR performs as any other HR in corporate America....meaning they do as little as possible to get by, so sending a resume to them or throwing one out the window on the interstate would have about the same effect....what's the secret?

Being that you are in HR (idiotic or not), what are typical questions you ask the candidates? I'm going on my first interview for a med device company and I'm nervous! Any info. would be greatly appreciated!

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