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What happened to Genentech...we are all in mourning ?

Do you feel Genentech is a company of values any more?

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Initially I thought it would be hard to leave an organization that I worked for over 18 years. On top of it, Genentech was also one of the best work places in the industry. Apparently my lack of confidence, and respect, for the current leadership and my doubtful mindset were exposed during the pioneer phase. I was kicked to the curb in spite of my consistent high performance year after year. I was sad but quickly landed in another good company. Looking back, I am not sure if I could listen to the word "ecosystem" one more time, or the nonsense these idiots were trying to sell us. The Genentech I knew is already 6 feet under. What is left is just a bunch of assh0_es who still think they know something others don't. The reality is that it is already a butt of the joke in the industry if you look at it from the outside. This thing is going to go down as one of the worst corporate reorganizations in the history. One thing I can't say is that these assho_es certainly did me a favor. I just bought a vacation home off the coast with my severance and stocks. RIP DNA!

Initially I thought it would be hard to leave an organization that I worked for over 18 years. On top of it, Genentech was also one of the best work places in the industry. Apparently my lack of confidence, and respect, for the current leadership and my doubtful mindset were exposed during the pioneer phase. I was kicked to the curb in spite of my consistent high performance year after year. I was sad but quickly landed in another good company. Looking back, I am not sure if I could listen to the word "ecosystem" one more time, or the nonsense these idiots were trying to sell us. The Genentech I knew is already 6 feet under. What is left is just a bunch of assh0_es who still think they know something others don't. The reality is that it is already a butt of the joke in the industry if you look at it from the outside. This thing is going to go down as one of the worst corporate reorganizations in the history. One thing I can't say is that these assho_es certainly did me a favor. I just bought a vacation home off the coast with my severance and stocks. RIP DNA!

What happened to the company we all built, loved and made successful?
Why have our so-called "leaders" failed so miserably to adapt and communicate with us all?
Why do they all say "we are building this as we go along"//////// seriously //////// a company with any common sense would never say something like this. The pioneer groups have not changed a thing or produced any different business results at all.
Why does Nancy O keep saying "who you work for and who you work with is very important", EVERYONE who is going through CEOF*** has had to apply for every single position BEFORE knowing who any of their managers would be.....STOP SAYING THIS NANCY....this is no longer a Genentech value!
The only ones benefiting from any of this and who are making millions off our complete dismantling of Genentech is McKinsey and company.

what are you taking about???? This all started years ago and was dead once the Roche payouts hit our bank accounts. It was a mass exodus and those of us who really built this company left a long time ago. You are silly to think that DNA was even a shell of itself after the buyout...you must not have been here all that long before that. I was in TPA and then moved to Onc so, save your BS. If you are still here is means no one wanted you from the numerous leaders we lost who took everyone with them to the next Oncology startup.

When you have a great party going on. People are happy and the music is great. Suddenly some rich assh_ole starts bringing in more drinks and free food for everyone. Next thing you know, he starts to bring in his trashy friends and they start to take over the party. The smart ones start to leave and only got replaced with more trashy friends. The cool crowd is all gone. Party is finally over. Those who are staying, they deserve one another.

When you have a great party going on. People are happy and the music is great. Suddenly some rich assh_ole starts bringing in more drinks and free food for everyone. Next thing you know, he starts to bring in his trashy friends and they start to take over the party. The smart ones start to leave and only got replaced with more trashy friends. The cool crowd is all gone. Party is finally over. Those who are staying, they deserve one another.

Perfect description...however that happened in 2009! If you stayed much past that you were not the cool kids...you were the new douches.

Perfect description...however that happened in 2009! If you stayed much past that you were not the cool kids...you were the new douches.
Shame on the process at which this was handled. You discarded the very people that built the company that all of you are a part of moving forward into this ecosystem future, whatever that is. I have a "mindset" question. Just what is it that you are creating? You know when people job search they know key role, compensation, leaders, and future. No one at DNA can tell you any of that, just expect you to nod your head to agree to the abstract. Former MCCO, RGMS, and BAMs especially were clueless just spit out the Genentech Narrative that meant nothing. Now they are running the show, that is laughable. Karma to some and can't wait until it catches up to you, and can't wait to see you out in the front lines.....Are you still faking it?

Shame on the process at which this was handled. You discarded the very people that built the company that all of you are a part of moving forward into this ecosystem future, whatever that is. I have a "mindset" question. Just what is it that you are creating? You know when people job search they know key role, compensation, leaders, and future. No one at DNA can tell you any of that, just expect you to nod your head to agree to the abstract. Former MCCO, RGMS, and BAMs especially were clueless just spit out the Genentech Narrative that meant nothing. Now they are running the show, that is laughable. Karma to some and can't wait until it catches up to you, and can't wait to see you out in the front lines.....Are you still faking it?

Yup. There are very few if any original ‘builders’ remaining. We all know the laundry list of companies that BioOnc left for starting in 2009. If you are still at Genentech you should be embarrassed...all the good people left a long time ago. It was an amazing time...but if you joined in 2009 or later you were not part of it!

Yup. There are very few if any original ‘builders’ remaining. We all know the laundry list of companies that BioOnc left for starting in 2009. If you are still at Genentech you should be embarrassed...all the good people left a long time ago. It was an amazing time...but if you joined in 2009 or later you were not part of it!

Exactly! After 2009 Genentech became the superficial company of phony people. Fake company full of fake people who watches fake news.

You ex- Genentech robots are killing this industry with your outdated stupid ass ways. Sorry for the lay offs and to those hiring managers who hire herceptin potted plants, good luck! Find a rep who can sell. Genentech you have killed this industry with your ill mannered and crappy managers and reps. Screw you!

It is really clear in the most recent investment community call that BA showed zero respect or love for the field sales team He looks at the sales team as one giant line item that he would die to get rid of. His vision is all national account and contract management. He claimed that he would like to advance twice as fast at a much less cost to the society. In another word, he wants to make twice the profits by removing the sale people. Trust me, he never cares to pass the saving to the society. He is a total fraud. Just ask those who worked with him at Biogen. Bottom line is that price cut is not an understood concept in Basel. He will just pocket the saving from the sales force elimination.

It is really clear in the most recent investment community call that BA showed zero respect or love for the field sales team He looks at the sales team as one giant line item that he would die to get rid of. His vision is all national account and contract management. He claimed that he would like to advance twice as fast at a much less cost to the society. In another word, he wants to make twice the profits by removing the sale people. Trust me, he never cares to pass the saving to the society. He is a total fraud. Just ask those who worked with him at Biogen. Bottom line is that price cut is not an understood concept in Basel. He will just pocket the saving from the sales force elimination.

the funeral was held a few years ago. Genentech died when good scientists left. BA was there and then he wasn't then came back. never in my career did I ever see him among the troops. Saw him sneaking out of meeting in Las Vegas....he definitely needs a lesson in character. Did everyone see him interview Herb Boyer on stage. Treated Herb as if he were not that important. Thats was a time when I knew it was over.

It is really clear in the most recent investment community call that BA showed zero respect or love for the field sales team He looks at the sales team as one giant line item that he would die to get rid of. His vision is all national account and contract management. He claimed that he would like to advance twice as fast at a much less cost to the society. In another word, he wants to make twice the profits by removing the sale people. Trust me, he never cares to pass the saving to the society. He is a total fraud. Just ask those who worked with him at Biogen. Bottom line is that price cut is not an understood concept in Basel. He will just pocket the saving from the sales force elimination.

Yep, that's the BA we knew when he was the finance guy at Biogen. He practically would have a wet dream thinking about eliminating the entire sales organization. He never believes in how this industry promotes the products. He told many that he despised sales people and they brought zero value to the customers or company. He thought they were way overpaid. That's why he was never comfortable with the sales people at meetings. Guilty conscience I guess. As the other poster stated, he really has no respect for sales people or sales management. It is not surprising at all that he is doing this at Genentech since he has the ultimate power. He finally gets his wet dream. If you are not looking, you should. Good luck to y'all.