Thoughts on Justin Lampropoulos

Just guessing here ~~~ you were fired.

The reality is your words hurt people.

I for one feel for the guy. He was left with terrible deals approved by Merit’s terrible board, terrible targets, and more.

With JL out I have a hard time seeing how Merit isn’t part of another company in the next 12-24 months.

Merit, meet Cordis.

At least someone said it.

And besides, who says Justin did anything wrong. Maybe someone fucked him over.
At the end of the day it’s Merit’s loss.

Just guessing here ~~~ you were fired.

The reality is your words hurt people.

I for one feel for the guy. He was left with terrible deals approved by Merit’s terrible board, terrible targets, and more.

With JL out I have a hard time seeing how Merit isn’t part of another company in the next 12-24 months.

Merit, meet Cordis.

Good god ya’ll are pathetic.

I don’t even know the guy, but fucking hell I think he’s much better off somewhere else. Your company culture seems extremely fucked up. Talking so much shit about someone else, regardless if this guy is the founders son, it says even more about you and the environment you work in!!

You do realize everyone in the industry can read this crap and is reflects really bad on every single person working in sales at Merit. Not just on the person you’re all bashing here.
You’re making a fool out of yourself even more.

Good god ya’ll are pathetic.

I don’t even know the guy, but fucking hell I think he’s much better off somewhere else. Your company culture seems extremely fucked up. Talking so much shit about someone else, regardless if this guy is the founders son, it says even more about you and the environment you work in!!

You do realize everyone in the industry can read this crap and is reflects really bad on every single person working in sales at Merit. Not just on the person you’re all bashing here.
You’re making a fool out of yourself even more.

You are right sir! No doubt Justin will be snapped up as a hot property as a president at another med device company ASAP, with zero relation to Fred. Oh wait, certainly he is already off the market ;)

You are right sir! No doubt Justin will be snapped up as a hot property as a president at another med device company ASAP, with zero relation to Fred. Oh wait, certainly he is already off the market ;)

Ur missing the point bro. It’s not about Justin at all anymore. It’s about you, and your colleagues. Because of you, and your colleagues.

This whole thing got more than 50K on views… u guys don’t even have that many people working at MM.

Good luck chuck.

You are right sir! No doubt Justin will be snapped up as a hot property as a president at another med device company ASAP, with zero relation to Fred. Oh wait, certainly he is already off the market ;)

Missing the point man. This isn’t about Justin at all anymore. It’s about people like yourself, your colleagues, people you talk shit about.

Why would any company be happy to hire reps. coming from MM, knowing full well how you guys speak about each other and senior management on this forum? The fact that people like yourself do that, says more than it ever will about whatever manager you dislike. For whatever personal reasons.

According to his LinkedIn he’s pretending to run his own business.

CEO of Manipulating & Controlling people, complete lack of self reflection, he was the biggest baby on board. Massive narcissist. The place is so much better with him gone.

Says something about how big of a sociopath the guy is indeed! Folks are just so glad he’s gone, can’t stop talking about it!!

A complete joke indeed that a professional salesforce can’t stop talking about a former sales leader. If I were Justin I’d root you all out and sue your balls off and it wouldn’t be that hard. You would look ridiculous in depositions. The joke is on you as we know who you haters are. When we are bought let’s see how it goes.