FYI --For this Board.
I became a member of the NAMSR about 6 months ago and then went through their RMSR training. I was coming from 2 years in pharma sales and wanted more managed care information, industry info, and sales training for the medical device industry. To tell you the truth the RMSR Manual was very thorough and covered topics from Operating Room etiquette to HIPAA regulations. I actully also received my HIPAA certification through the NAMSR as well. My experience has all been positive with the NAMSR. They have about 275 medical device company contacts in their employment center and all of the companies I contacted where quite aware of the NAMSR. I have interviewed with some smaller medical distribution companies that are not aware of the RMSR or NAMSR. Their pricing is ridiculous cheap (RMSR Program $225) as I have inquired about other Medical Sales Vocational Training and some of them were over $2000. So for what you pay they have a great product and services.

This is what I found out about the NAMSR on a recent press release:

The NAMSR - National Association of Medical Sales Representative™, the largest professional association in the world for Medical Sales Representatives. Through our numerous members, the NAMSR™ provides accredited training, continuing education, information about the industry, up-to-date news, programs to assist medical sales reps in their work, training programs to assist candidates who want to break into the industry and initiatives to improve communication with the medical sales field.

The Mission of the National Association of Medical Sales Representatives™ is to be the national representative of the medical sales profession, serving the public and the profession by promoting comprehensive training and educational programs, conferences and seminars where members can share ideas, professional excellence and respect for the medical industry.

NAMSR™ Organization

Training Programs
Employment Center
Medical Sales Trade News/Information
Clinical Studies/Research/Medical Journals
Newsletters/Trade Magazine

Clinical Research Studies

The NAMSR™ provides current links to up-to-date clinical studies in its members section and provides statistics and research to help medical sales representatives in their pursuit of increasing their sales.

NAMSR™ Employment Opportunities

The Association provides listing for medical sales positions for a variety of backgrounds from National Sales Managers to entry level medical representatives. The NAMSR™ is looking for people who consistently demonstrate superior sales and communication skills. Opportunities are available for degreed, non-degreed, and professionals.

I am going on my 2nd interview with Stryker tomorrow and want to see if anyone has any advice? I have 4 years of sales experience in consumer goods and this would be my first medical device sales position. I have put together a strong sales brag book, completed my RMSR training through the NAMSR and have sales reports showing mi ranking in the top 10 of my company. Is this enough to get hired? I was told I got through my first interview and on to the next because of my sales experience combined with my recent medical eduction (RMSR). What kind of questions can I expect?

Make sure to demonstrate that you do not mind being in an Operating Room alot. Most of Stryker's jobs are demonstrating or overseeing a new hip replacement product, which requires the rep to be in the operating room with a physician who is using the product for the first time. Stryker pays well and they are one of the top companies to work for. To get the job just demonstrate your sales ability and discuss your medical knowledge. Good luck!!

I am looking to buy a used 2008 or 2009 RMSR Training Manual. I have been interviewing for some medical sales postions and it has been advised to me to obtain some medical sales training and the RMSR program is the one that has been recommended. If someone has one I can purchase please email me at

I am looking to buy a used 2008 or 2009 RMSR Training Manual. I have been interviewing for some medical sales postions and it has been advised to me to obtain some medical sales training and the RMSR program is the one that has been recommended. If someone has one I can purchase please email me at

Has anyone used NAMSR with no sales experience and was able to get a job in the medical equipment sales industry?

Dude....really????? You are simply dreaming. The other 3,000 people in front of you have experience that is award winning, real and true. Get real and you will do yourself a favor! There are 10+ yrs vets of this industry trying to get into medical device. Why would look at your"book learnin" as a plus. Seriously now!!!!!

I've been trying all angles to get back into medical sales after being out of it for a very long time. The truth is, why would they hire me before they hired someone with years of experience. I found the NAMSR with their claims about how the RMSR training is your entree into medical sales. This is one of those, "if it seems too good to be true, then it is" deals. I have a relative-in-law who is a World Wide Manager in Sales Training for a division of J & J and I asked him about the NAMSR. He does not know anything about them. He asked the J & J recruiting office and some of their division and regional managers, and they are not aware of them either. I was also told that with the present state of the economy, even J & J is facing massive layoffs (900 sales reps/managers recently). With all these highly trained and proven successful candidates becoming available, there is no reason to expect that a $295 online course is going to do anything except put $295 in someone's pocket.

New sales training strategies need to take place as the medical device companies do not have the luxury of being able to do the same things as before the new sales rules and guidelines. The emphasis is more on having a quality and educated exchange with the physicians. According to the Society of Pharmaceutical, Medical and Biotech Trainers (SPBT). "E-learning is becoming an effective tool for certain part of medical sales training. We are seeing medical device companies increase their use of technology and e-training."

RMSR Training is becoming more popular as medical companies look to hire new reps with some industry education and training. According to the National Association of Medical Sales Representatives - NAMSR, "We have seen a large number of requests to speak to our trained RMSR students. One of our training programs is geared to candidates who are looking to break into a medical sales career. The training is offered as a web based training program through the association. By obtaining a RMSR, medical sales candidates will possess the industry and product knowledge that medical device companies are looking for."

If you want to enter a medical sales career in 2009 you better have your RMSR Certification.

I have been interviewing with several medical device companies over the last few weeks and most of them have asked if I have taken RMSR Training. There must be some validity to the RMSR Training if these medical companies keep asking for it. I have not signed up for the RMSR yet but I am strongly considering it.

The RMSR Certification helped me obtain medical sales interviews and was then the decisive factor for me getting hired last week. My employer is confident in my ability to perform successfully in the medical sales field because of my RMSR Certification. I now have strong medical industry knowledge with accredited proof of my skills which has paid off in hard cash with my excellent base salary. Thank you Diane, Ryan and all of the other NAMSR staff members.
Stephanie, GE Healthcare

if a recruiter told you or infered that you get namsr certified in order to get a leg up on the competition to get hired, i'd see if that recruiter is either getting kick backs for referrals or if they are part of the namsr organization.
no one seriously considers namsr as a legitimate certification. if i saw that on a resume it would end up in the dnc file.
spend your money on learning interview skills or getting your resume up to speed.
it's a sales job people. focus on telling your story about sales accomplishments and learning how to sound intelligent.
btw, you should do your homework and survey the people who interview you and ask their op.

As a recruiter for orthopedic and ENT medical sales reps I know my medical device clients prefer and 3 of them require the RMSR. If you have a strong medical background you may test out of the RMSR Training. If you are coming into the industry with limited medical background or no medical sales experience the RMSR is a really good to get in order to qualify yourself for medical sales openings. Certainly a successful sales background is important. I suggest the RMSR Certification to all of my applicant clients.