Liberty Medical - Diabetic Supply

How does Liberty compare to CCS Medical?

If its your first job, jump all over either one of them to break into the field. If you have several years under your belt and can be "picky" do your homework on size, scope and opportunity in each one of them.

Good luck.

What I can say, its definitely better than pharma!!

Sales force? Name a product that you sell!
explain a typical office call were you sell something!

I am not going to get into a pissing match on this stupid board. But your idiotic response does not an answer. Besides being a distributor, we also have our own brand of glucose meter which we are currently pushing. Thus, we need to know the benefits of one meter or another. Secondly, we have a full pharmacy serving 95% of all Part D plans - we need to push that service. Third - we carry a full line of ostomy supplies which by the way are doing remarkably well.

We persuade the physician and office to enroll patients with our services instead of another company. Unlike, the sample droppers in pharmaceuticals which don't do any selling or persuading except for carrying lunches into offices.

If you work for a glucose meter company, we probably sell your product as well.

If you are unhappy with your measly job because you are constantly being micromanaged, need signatures, have to worry about your pod mates and your budget just doesn't cut it, please don't take it out on this board. If you need a job, post your e-mail and maybe I can make a few calls for you...!

Liberty is the 500 lb gorilla. Generally, mail order companies tend to be a bit shady and the people that work for them are usually washouts from tier 1 companies. This does not mean they are bad, but you have to ask the question, what type of people to you want to work for and work with?

Oh please, "wash outs". don't listen to this. I'm not working for these people, but this is so high school. People have always had to have their dogs/cats to kick. Same thing with contract sales. Non contract people have this fantasy, that they are somehow superior.
This is all shit and do your own homework. Meet someone with the company. Seriously.
One whos been around a while.

If its your first job, jump all over either one of them to break into the field. If you have several years under your belt and can be "picky" do your homework on size, scope and opportunity in each one of them.

Good luck.

What I can say, its definitely better than pharma!!

hey stop the pissing match! Just a month ago in
brazil they found a cure for diabetes. Of course the fda will not allow it in
america and is already starting it famous debunking campaing. Because
there is to much money to be made in it's fun listing to you
guy rant.. I guess we all are blood guilty. greed sucks

It's a step down, entry level to pharma sales.....

Step down? You are the one sipping the coolaid. Pharma is a joke...... No accoutability and just a bunch of cry babies who work from 10 - 2 4 days a week. Liberty is a good company, and without a doubt a level above pharma. That is why so many pharma reps leave to come to companies like this...

Step down? You are the one sipping the coolaid. Pharma is a joke...... No accoutability and just a bunch of cry babies who work from 10 - 2 4 days a week. Liberty is a good company, and without a doubt a level above pharma. That is why so many pharma reps leave to come to companies like this...
They don't leave "to come to companies like this." They leave because they can't stand mindless pharma anymore. Then, because they can't get into medical sales due to being blackballed for being a pharma rep, they try to figure out what else they can do and try Liberty or CCS. Unfortunately, they all too soon realize that they have made a huge mistake and usually try to run back to pharma asap. Or stay until they can develop another career path. Sorry but Liberty and CCS get NO respect anywhere. It is the KMart of sales. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy it or be good at it, but take off the rose colored glasses and see it as the rest of the world sees it.

They don't leave "to come to companies like this." They leave because they can't stand mindless pharma anymore. Then, because they can't get into medical sales due to being blackballed for being a pharma rep, they try to figure out what else they can do and try Liberty or CCS. Unfortunately, they all too soon realize that they have made a huge mistake and usually try to run back to pharma asap. Or stay until they can develop another career path. Sorry but Liberty and CCS get NO respect anywhere. It is the KMart of sales. That doesn't mean you can't enjoy it or be good at it, but take off the rose colored glasses and see it as the rest of the world sees it.

.......Good point Pharma is mindless.

Let's put it this way. Would you really want to put this company on your resume? Not if you ever want to find a decent job again in this lifetime...

wow you sound like a real hater. guess you worked for one of these companies and could not hack it. Do us all a favor and take your negative attitude back to pharma where it belongs.

First, most doctors offices and diabetes educators hate this company. Second, a job with Lliberty is like saying you are a used car salesman. It doesn't mean you personally can't sell or aren't a good person, but we all know that when someone refers to a used car salesman it isn't exactly a compliment. Sorry, but that is how anyone outside of Liberty sees it. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt...

wow you sound like a real hater. guess you worked for one of these companies and could not hack it. Do us all a favor and take your negative attitude back to pharma where it belongs.
Yeah but not this one. and "hacking it" wasn't the problem. It is about as mindless as pharma. With even less respect, if that is even possible. And no decent money to be had either. Maybe one or two people in the company make any money? Unless you think 50 or 60k is good. A GED should get you in here...

actually Liberty is a great company to work for and you get what you put into it. if you listen to disgruntled empl. or competitors who don't work here, you will be mislead. there is a lot of potential with this company. if you know how to sell you can succeed. there will always be a person who will respond with animosity because they couldn't hack it. great company to work for and recession proof. its not rocket science...the exec position would probably be a great opportunity