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Lay offs

Actually lots of people do, me included. Wharton is the best undergrad business school in the country and everyone I know who went with me all says we went to Wharton you fool. The undergrads are actually far smarter than the MBA students and we got graded separately because we beat them on every exam, but take the same classes. If you want to see a copy of my diploma and verify I went there and see what a dumb fuck you are tell my your kik messenger information and you can see what a fucking idiot you are. Every single person at Wharton knows the undergrad program is much harder to get into than the MBA program and it's quite possibly the smartest kids out of high school in the US that attend. Go check average text scores and admittance rates. Oh and I can also show you a copy of my test scores including an 800 on my writing. Like I said give me your kik messenger info and I'm happy to verify because you're that big a a fucking dumbass. How many undergrads from Wharton do you know? I'm guessing none. Because we all say we went to Wharton. And we all scored higher than the MBAs in every class. You don't know shit. You're exactly why Amgen sales sucks. Because you're totally full of crap. I'm not going to reveal my identity but I'm happy to verify my diploma and you're very welcome to go check with all your Wharton buddies, but I'm nearly certain you have none. I don't have to do homework. I spent 4 years eating at Greek lady. Ever heard of it? Probably not. Because you never spent a day in Philly.

you are a glorified number cruncher. You have no science background so go play with excel

you are a glorified number cruncher. You have no science background so go play with excel

What a comeback! Sorry to inform you but I also have a science background. How would you know about my background? So jealous in here. It's sad. Most sales people I talk to don't know shit about science. They memorize things and if you really get into the deep science they get lost. This forum is a bunch of whiners and people looking to make themselves feel better. So damn pathetic. You literally just said "you don't have a science background " based on knowing absolutely nothing about me. You're a total loser man. If you're not already fired I hope you get canned. What a joke. Sad excuse.

you are a glorified number cruncher. You have no science background so go play with excel

Oh and I didn't realize all we learned at Wharton was glorified number crunching. Wonder why you can't get in and why the test scores on the exams are so low in a pool of students who are so smart. I'm sure you could easily do the analyses I do no problem. You're a chump. Done with your punk ass. I actually wish you'd say this shit to my face

Oh and I didn't realize all we learned at Wharton was glorified number crunching. Wonder why you can't get in and why the test scores on the exams are so low in a pool of students who are so smart. I'm sure you could easily do the analyses I do no problem. You're a chump. Done with your punk ass. I actually wish you'd say this shit to my face

No you don’t. I’m willing to put money down that you wouldn’t have the nerve to say half that crap to anyone’s face

We've been buying back stock for years. Are you not aware? It's a good use of cash when we have excess and nothing better to do with it at the moment. And wall street clearly agrees. You're not an expert on the matter.

Cutting heads is needed when sales are flat or declining and people are not performing. And frankly so many people here don't do shit. I have worked at smaller companies and the same thing happens. You don't produce you go. Or if you're not needed you go. Sorry but that's life. This isn't a nonprofit.

Your opinion of if we overpaid for an acquisition if highly subjective and based on extremely limited information. It is funny to me that you and many others think they know more than people who spent months analyzing the deal, running the numbers, with far more information than you, who do this for their job, and they found a reason to do this deal, when they turn down 99% of all other deals. Clearly they believe it to be important to growing sales especially in the short term and accretive to the P&L, with a portfolio that's otherwise stagnant those are critical considerations, not just what wall street values it at. And by the way, we have a large tax break on otetzla people keep forgetting. Everyone here needs to stop thinking they can do everyone else's job better and do your own job better. Maybe then you wouldn't have been fired.

You said it all: “stagnant portfolio”. Instead of investing in R&D they bought back shares so now they don’t have the pipeline to support current revenues let alone grow them. Now, they have to go out and buy revenue at a premium. Mckinsey probably told them how to do that since they are obviously following the herd but about 2 to 3 years back.

Nobody got me into Wharton except myself and my own hard work and intelligence. No legacy. No donations. You're a fool, it's pathetic. My dad went to university of Kansas. And he isn't wealthy. I make more now as a 34 year old than he ever made in his career. And no I'm not a scientist and I either make more than you now or have far more earnings potential than your shit career will in sales. Man you really like to speculate just to make yourself feel better. Don't try to bet on the stock market. You suck at this.


This guy has nothing going for him lol who spends this much time on a thread responding to every comment? Clearly A hard worker here.

Oh and I didn't realize all we learned at Wharton was glorified number crunching. Wonder why you can't get in and why the test scores on the exams are so low in a pool of students who are so smart. I'm sure you could easily do the analyses I do no problem. You're a chump. Done with your punk ass. I actually wish you'd say this shit to my face

That’s not true you don’t actually wish anything to be said to your face that’s why you are on an anonymous forum. Pretending like your something young man I’m sorry you got picked on your entire life, I can’t imagine anyone happy with their life would take pleasure in actual people losing there job. I will pray for you to find peace.

Sure people are not good at sales but it’s not their fault they got hired. If sales are bad it’s easy to blame the sales people it’s all good my friends I’m sure you will all be employed in no time.

Actually lots of people do, me included. Wharton is the best undergrad business school in the country and everyone I know who went with me all says we went to Wharton you fool. The undergrads are actually far smarter than the MBA students and we got graded separately because we beat them on every exam, but take the same classes. If you want to see a copy of my diploma and verify I went there and see what a dumb fuck you are tell my your kik messenger information and you can see what a fucking idiot you are. Every single person at Wharton knows the undergrad program is much harder to get into than the MBA program and it's quite possibly the smartest kids out of high school in the US that attend. Go check average text scores and admittance rates. Oh and I can also show you a copy of my test scores including an 800 on my writing. Like I said give me your kik messenger info and I'm happy to verify because you're that big a a fucking dumbass. How many undergrads from Wharton do you know? I'm guessing none. Because we all say we went to Wharton. And we all scored higher than the MBAs in every class. You don't know shit. You're exactly why Amgen sales sucks. Because you're totally full of crap. I'm not going to reveal my identity but I'm happy to verify my diploma and you're very welcome to go check with all your Wharton buddies, but I'm nearly certain you have none. I don't have to do homework. I spent 4 years eating at Greek lady. Ever heard of it? Probably not. Because you never spent a day in Philly.

keep making it up sparky, just more evidence of what a fraud you are. OMG you named a restaurant? Impressive Wharton wanna-be!! Wait let me go google - “douche bags who anonymously claim they went to Wharton” wow your pic!

Chill! I like her! I know her from meetings. I wasn’t saying anything negative about her. I just thought someone could give me an honest answer if she was one of those laid off!

Grow up, be a man. Our system has other staffs contact info so why would someone who works here ask anonymously on CP, makes no sense and you sir, are a troll.

Actually lots of people do, me included. Wharton is the best undergrad business school in the country and everyone I know who went with me all says we went to Wharton you fool. The undergrads are actually far smarter than the MBA students and we got graded separately because we beat them on every exam, but take the same classes. If you want to see a copy of my diploma and verify I went there and see what a dumb fuck you are tell my your kik messenger information and you can see what a fucking idiot you are. Every single person at Wharton knows the undergrad program is much harder to get into than the MBA program and it's quite possibly the smartest kids out of high school in the US that attend. Go check average text scores and admittance rates. Oh and I can also show you a copy of my test scores including an 800 on my writing. Like I said give me your kik messenger info and I'm happy to verify because you're that big a a fucking dumbass. How many undergrads from Wharton do you know? I'm guessing none. Because we all say we went to Wharton. And we all scored higher than the MBAs in every class. You don't know shit. You're exactly why Amgen sales sucks. Because you're totally full of crap. I'm not going to reveal my identity but I'm happy to verify my diploma and you're very welcome to go check with all your Wharton buddies, but I'm nearly certain you have none. I don't have to do homework. I spent 4 years eating at Greek lady. Ever heard of it? Probably not. Because you never spent a day in Philly.

You write like a hillbilly versus an Ivy League educated person. Also, as a tip, one of the perks of an Ivy League degree is telling people you have one - not an anonymous claim on a site like this.

What a comeback! Sorry to inform you but I also have a science background. How would you know about my background? So jealous in here. It's sad. Most sales people I talk to don't know shit about science. They memorize things and if you really get into the deep science they get lost. This forum is a bunch of whiners and people looking to make themselves feel better. So damn pathetic. You literally just said "you don't have a science background " based on knowing absolutely nothing about me. You're a total loser man. If you're not already fired I hope you get canned. What a joke. Sad excuse.

Chris Haro shut the fuck up already we all know you went to Wharton, you gave us so much info science background went to Wharton the only profile on LinkedIn to match that description. Thanks for being so smart.