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Car Trackers? WTF!

ummm, yes occasionally you might miss a days but some people also work more days over 8 hours than under. The fact that you salespeople think of hard work as 40 hours per week is a joke. You’re lucky to make what you do given you don’t even work a full 40 hours. Some of the tougher groups in TO with hard hours people regularly work upwards of 50-60 hours per week and weekend work isn’t uncommon

“Tougher groups”...You’re proud to work more hours? Life’s too short. Make sure they carve that on your tombstone, “one of the tough cubicle dwellers that worked well over 40 hrs a week.” What a legacy.

This is the disturbing trend in corporate America. It never used to be like this. Take it from an old-timer. The work day ended at 5. You did a good job, worked hard & left the work at your desk at 5. Once you were “off the clock” your time was private, it was sacred that no one from work called you, talked business or expected work to be done at home. It was time to go home, sit down to dinner with your family & have the night to yourself & the things that made you happy, sports, workout, hobbies, time with your kids. You actually had a balance of life & work. And somehow work got done & no one was stressed beyond belief. Spouses got attention, children got attention. There was balance & it worked. Now I see people working late into the night, afraid to leave at a normal time. Big corporate watching over everyone’s shoulders. It doesn’t have to be like this. Most people put in a decent day’s work. Trust them to do their job, deal only with those who don’t. Tracking & over-management just cause resentment & distrust. Deal only with the “bad apples.” Don’t punish the whole bushel.

ummm, yes occasionally you might miss a days but some people also work more days over 8 hours than under. The fact that you salespeople think of hard work as 40 hours per week is a joke. You’re lucky to make what you do given you don’t even work a full 40 hours. Some of the tougher groups in TO with hard hours people regularly work upwards of 50-60 hours per week and weekend work isn’t uncommon

but what do you accomplish? Late or no sales data, lackluster m&a, weak marketing, the WiG? TO is a system of barriers to success. This company is a j o k e

it won’t monitor breaking and speeding when you are in reverse, so just drive to all your offices in reverse... ;)

I was told they couldn't do this to my car as I have an ignition breathalyzer device already installed. Amgen, pick one OR the other, am I liquored up or breaking too fast.

I need another drink

ummm, yes occasionally you might miss a days but some people also work more days over 8 hours than under. The fact that you salespeople think of hard work as 40 hours per week is a joke. You’re lucky to make what you do given you don’t even work a full 40 hours. Some of the tougher groups in TO with hard hours people regularly work upwards of 50-60 hours per week and weekend work isn’t uncommon

Good thing is we have top notch cars compared to other pharmas. Heck, managers tooling around in Lincoln's, S90's and I know some have Keurig K cup coffee machines installed. The curse is these same cars have industry leading telematics that document when you fart in your car. And fleet, we get it, you like Volvos s60, s90, xc 40, xc 60 etc. Let's go back to Audis and look at Mercedes. Volvos are a good ride at 95mph but when I cruise at 115mph the tires are a bit loud. At 120 the turbo boost has a 2 second lag which is a bit annoying, step it up. I do appreciate all cars being over 250 hp, thank you!

ummm, yes occasionally you might miss a days but some people also work more days over 8 hours than under. The fact that you salespeople think of hard work as 40 hours per week is a joke. You’re lucky to make what you do given you don’t even work a full 40 hours. Some of the tougher groups in TO with hard hours people regularly work upwards of 50-60 hours per week and weekend work isn’t uncommon
"Some of the tougher groups in TO?" What the hell does that mean? Are they fighting MMA during lunch hours? You're a tool.

Some Amgen managers are all about TARGETING people they just decide they don't like whether their numbers are bad or not. Trust me. My NC manager will use any way she can to get rid of someone and she's got a hair-trigger so no...... you don't have to accrue the checks above for them to use this as a tool to get rid of you.

Everyone knows about the psycho NC manager referenced

Incompetent, delusional, angry as hell and at meetings when she steps out of the room the entire team laughs at her

Now she will be able to sit on her fat ass and harass her reps all day long, I can't wait to get the hell out of here

Does anyone think it is an invasion of your privacy if you are out on a personal day... dr, lawyer, chemo or something like that... or where you are on your time after work on weekends? I think giving managers that type of access would be a liability for the company in so many ways. Yes, there are many managers that I feel would use it to bully and/or intimidate people. Some sales forces at Amgen are not able to make 8-10 calls per day because they are appointments only not primary care. If you think your team isn’t working then open an HR case. Pull the geo data, gas receipts etc. just don’t give carte blanche access to that information.

Here is what I am going to do. I'll have my wife meet me at the movie theatre at noon. I'll make calls while using her car, and she can spend time watching a double feature while the company ride stays in the theatre parking lot. It will drive them wild.

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