cp wire

CP Wire Articles

Little more than 24 hours after announcing a proposed public offering of 9,000,000 shares of common stock, Proteostasis Therapeutics announced that it is withdrawing the offering. The reason given... read more

Tue, 03/20/18 - 10:35 pm

Inovio announced today that it closed an agreement providing ApolloBio Corp. (NEEQ:430187) with the exclusive right to develop, manufacture and commercialize VGX-3100, Inovio’s DNA immunotherapy... read more

Tue, 03/20/18 - 10:11 am

Cotinga announced that it has submitted an updated clinical package to regulatory authorities to expand its ongoing Phase 1 trial of COTI-2. The protocol amendment will expand the clinical trial... read more

Tue, 03/20/18 - 09:43 am

S2516: Alternatives to Opioids (ALTO) in the Emergency Department Act

This bill was introduced by Senator Corey Booker (D-NJ) on 3/7/2018 and cosponsored by Senators... read more

Mon, 03/19/18 - 01:20 pm

This bill was introduced by David P Roe (R-TN) on 3/15/2018. The full text of the bill has yet to be posted. The full title of the bill is:

H.R.5298 - To amend the Controlled... read more

Mon, 03/19/18 - 12:34 pm
