cp wire

CP Wire Articles

What cafepharma users clicked, read, and discussed last week

As the end of the year approaches, layoffs tend to be a... read more
Sun, 11/12/17 - 02:16 pm

CNN's article about Nuedexta and its use in geriatric populations (The Little Red Pill Being Pushed on the... read more

Fri, 10/13/17 - 09:40 am

Challenger, Gray & Christmas’s August Job Cuts Report... read more

Fri, 09/1/17 - 10:37 am

Yesterday, June 8th 2017, the life sciences site, STAT and the LA Times ran stories that Proove Biosciences offices in Irvine, CA were raided by the FBI. The STAT piece also reported that... read more

Fri, 06/9/17 - 12:12 pm
