cp wire

CP Wire Articles

The “Right to Try” bill failed a vote in the House on Tuesday. After being unveiled over the weekend, the bill was rushed to a vote using a procedure normally reserved for uncontroversial bills.... read more

Wed, 03/14/18 - 11:28 am

This Tuesday, the House will vote on a revised version of the “Right to Try” Act that gives critically ill patients access to experimental medications.

Last summer... read more

Mon, 03/12/18 - 01:14 pm

For the week ending Saturday, March 10, 2018, these were the top five most viewed boards on the cafepharma forums:
Sun, 03/11/18 - 03:01 pm

While not on the Hill yet, a new “Medicare for all” plan that was recently released by a think tank may be headed that way if there are big changes in the majorities in the House and Senate (and... read more

Wed, 03/7/18 - 03:09 pm

For the week ending Saturday, March 3, 2018, these were the top five most viewed boards on the cafepharma forums:
Sun, 03/4/18 - 01:48 pm
