Speaker Book is an application that provides a network of doctors’ financials payments from pharmaceutical companies. In this tutorial, we will be demonstrating how to understand and navigate the filters for Speaker Book’s Financial Disclosure Tracker on the app.
Use this to type the name of the doctor you are searching. If you want to simplify your search- click filter in the upper left-hand corner on the page.
Click the funnel-shaped icon in the upper left-hand corner of the landing page to filter your search. This will bring you to a page entitled “Subsets."
The search bar can be subdivided by State, Top Meals, Speakers, and Advisors. The State filter is simple- it subdivides Doctors by the state they practice in. This is useful for filtering doctors regionally.
Below State are the filters Top Meals, Speakers, and Advisors. These filters are useful for complex searches that target the companies and drugs that contribute to doctor’s fiscal disclosures. Top Meals delineates the names of sponsoring companies. Clicking on a company name will link you to all the doctors who have been sponsored by that company. The filters, Speakers and Advisors link doctors by associated drugs. These drugs are the products of the sponsoring pharmaceutical companies. The difference between Speakers and Advisors is simply the type of work doctors are being sponsored for. In Speakers, doctors are being sponsored for giving a talk or speech about Drug X for either education or marketing purposes. Conversely, Advisors describes doctors who are sponsored for attending meetings and events of pharmaceutical companies that concern Drug X- this time to give their professional input.
Speaker Book App available in the app store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/speaker-book/id1387979750?mt=8
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