Looking for Pharmaceutical Company to be first and Super Sponsor to launch on Earth Day!
Philanthropy Forest Inc., a nonprofit business is calling on the entire Pharmaceutical Industry (drugs, labs and devices) to extend their charitable efforts to include Philanthropy Forest Inc.’s climate change endeavor – the funding to plant 1 million trees in 5 years in the National Forests. After all, what is good for the Earth is good for Business (& Health).
Millions of dollars have been spent to date on the PhRMA “Go Boldly” messaging campaign and now we are asking these corporate donors and the rest of the pharmaceutical industry to “Give Boldly” too. The appeal from the pharmaceutical industry angle (other than a cleaner Earth) is twofold. First, this truly would highlight the charitable side of the Pharmaceutical Industry which is so prevalent and secondly, Health Care Providers (HCPs) may be more inclined to attend and interact with industry sponsored educational platforms because of this gratitude donation and certificate of recognition. The founders believe it is a symbiotic relationship.
Saint Charles, IL (March 2021) Matthew Hall has already noticed the consequences of global climate change in his short lifetime as seen by extreme weather like deadly wildfires in the West and flooding & hurricanes in the East. Our partners at the National Forests Foundation state that climate change is creating new stressors for our forests by changing environmental conditions like temperature and precipitation. Forests in the U.S. offset between 10-20% of U.S. emissions each year. Reforestation efforts help to sustain the increase in carbon sequestration potential of our National Forests, mitigating the effects of global climate change.
Hall further expresses, “Maybe I am naïve, but I believe that most people and businesses want to help the fight on climate change but are unsure how. It is Philanthropy Forest Inc.’s job to not Looking for Pharmaceutical Company to be first and Super Sponsor to launch on Earth Day!
Philanthropy Forest Inc., a nonprofit business is calling on the entire Pharmaceutical Industry (drugs, labs and devices) to extend their charitable efforts to include Philanthropy Forest Inc.’s climate change endeavor – the funding to plant 1 million trees in 5 years in the National Forests. After all, what is good for the Earth is good for Business (& Health).
Millions of dollars have been spent to date on the PhRMA “Go Boldly” messaging campaign and now we are asking these corporate donors and the rest of the pharmaceutical industry to “Give Boldly” too. The appeal from the pharmaceutical industry angle (other than a cleaner Earth) is twofold. First, this truly would highlight the charitable side of the Pharmaceutical Industry which is so prevalent and secondly, Health Care Providers (HCPs) may be more inclined to attend and interact with industry sponsored educational platforms because of this gratitude donation and certificate of recognition. The founders believe it is a symbiotic relationship.
Saint Charles, IL (March 2021) Matthew Hall has already noticed the consequences of global climate change in his short lifetime as seen by extreme weather like deadly wildfires in the West and flooding & hurricanes in the East. Our partners at the National Forests Foundation state that climate change is creating new stressors for our forests by changing environmental conditions like temperature and precipitation. Forests in the U.S. offset between 10-20% of U.S. emissions each year. Reforestation efforts help to sustain the increase in carbon sequestration potential of our National Forests, mitigating the effects of global climate change.
Hall further expresses, “Maybe I am naïve, but I believe that most people and businesses want to help the fight on climate change but are unsure how. It is Philanthropy Forest Inc.’s job to not only incentivize the pharmaceutical industry to join in this cause but to also make it really easy for them”. Together the health care industry and the pharmaceutical industry can make our future cleaner, healthier and brighter by funding tree plantings all while sharing important medical information to provide the best care possible to patients!
Hall’s mother is a nurse in the pharmaceutical industry and his father an emergency medicine physician. Both groups are very charitable organizations he observed. His idea to join the two for a common cause to combat climate change has been on his mind as he worries about his future and that of coming generations. He feels that young people in America today need to get involved. He further felt called to action when he saw the President so fast acting and committed to this effort too. The pharmaceutical industry are the scientific innovators and need to share the information about their pharmaceuticals, lab testing abilities and devices. The physicians need the latest science data from the industry to best care for their patients. A healthy lifestyle is impossible for all if the Earth is not healthy.
Hence, Philanthropy Forest Inc. was born to entwine the industry and the HCPs together in a positive way to bring about change. “Really, it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3”, Hall shares.
Step 1. JOIN NOW- Pharmaceutical Companies purchase annual corporate memberships, cost based on company size. 80% of that annual membership donation goes to fund plantings in the National Forests.
Step 2. HCP ENGAGEMENT & GRATITUDE DONATION/CERTITICATE- HCPs that attend speaker programs, advisory boards, conferences and lunches can receive a gratitude donation throughout the year of membership for an additional cost (<$10 per person to avoid the Sunshine Act reporting mandate). Electronic Philanthropy Forest Certificates available for pharma use (sample HCP certificates on website) as another valued touch point with HCPs. Pharma is happy the HCPs attended and learned about latest company innovations. The HCPs are happy to learn but to donate to climate change through pharma.
Step 3. GROW GREENER- Grow with this idea of giving back company wide, swap out sales meeting swag or reward points with the option to donate funds for tree plantings. Philanthropy Forest will report business memberships to the existing ESG rating agencies (like Sustainalytics and MCSI) in hopes to incorporate carbon offset efforts into rating methodologies in the future. Re-enroll membership annually, fund planting throughout the year with each HCP attendance/certificate and demonstrate environmental commitment!
About Philanthropy Forest Inc.
A newly launched nonprofit, family passion run by 16-year-old, Matthew Hall, his parents, sister, and uncle. He feels if you, “shoot for the moon, you may land on a cloud” and that this effort can only bring about some help for climate change in the future. He hopes this novel concept takes off like wildfire (just not actually a wildfire, of course)! Please join us @ www.philanthropyforest.com and go to our business partner for planting information at www.nationalforests.org. Philanthropy Forest is a nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Contact: Matthew & Monika Hall
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