Company Monitoring Page for Progressive Medical Inc.

job ratings for Progressive Medical Inc.

job title:
Sales rep
Progressive Medical Inc.
job rating:
Negative culture with HIGH 38% -55% per year turnover on a good year. Quotas are designed with keeping reps at starting salaries of 35-50K. Micromanaged and punitive administrative duties for under Quota performance. Managerial distraction and high quotas are created to keep sales team off their overachievement and commission optimizing task. Crazy trackers and abnormally high e mail chatter all day...Weekly, monthly and Quarterly reports are in continuous, chaotic re-write and serve only their authors changing needs. Automation of reports---unheard of... Middle mgt. is pushed to be drill sergeants and are rewarded for such. When turnover is at it's worst, they double down the insults and negativity. If in doubt-blame the sales reps... send a time consuming directive... punitive in nature and intent. Love the product portfolio. Good Luck and Good Selling. If you can deflect and have thick skin while making only 50-80K, this is a fit for you. frequently --..Mid Mgt. will send a obscurely written demand to the sales reps that is designed to take hours from ones territory and the question then becomes ...Why did you not hit you number...?. Military style middle management with poor communication and leadership skill sets. Middle mgt. is fairly good, but treated poorly while being overworked and undercompensated. Company is continually loosing companies, revenues and good people in the most disrespectful manner. Plan a 2 year, because 18 mths is the average

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