Dear SS, JH, or CM:
Nobody lied to you. The numbers given were what the business plan projected that was purchased with the product. True, OMECLAMOX isn't what it was immediately supposed to be - but everyone on the GI team suffered because of it (even BB, one of the major owners - JJ and RS's boss). I don't know one manager's habits but the one that I had - which is the same as each of you - did not micromanage once we settled as a team (maybe YOU were micro managed but look at where you aren't now - there is a reason for it). We all didn't hate him and we certainly laughed with him - not behind his back (SS, we all laughed behind YOUR pathetic back as we ALL knew you were on the way out; you and CM we're so negative all the time). Just an FYI, SS, you were fired - you didn't get out "while you still could". There was only 1 person who quit our team and she left shortly after we launched. JH, you admitted to me you knew you were going - did your manager EVER micro manage you????? CM, I know for a FACT your manager was disappointed in what happened to that leaves SS. You told us all you were a manager the last 12 years. You told us all if you didn't get promoted in the first 6 months, you were leaving - yet when you were fired you called a few of us on the team and ranted about how you didn't understand what was going on. STFU and move on! Quit badgering us. You are like a fart in church