ZS Associates is part of the Issue


Yesterday was a tough day for many of us. Although I personally wasn't displaced, many of my good colleagues who are excellent reps were. My heart goes out to them because other less qualified sales reps or sales reps that are known to have very little sales impact kept their jobs, when they shouldn't have.

My issue with this whole process is that Novartis has relied too much on ZS Associates. Mapping based solely on prescriber volume, home address, and call continuance has created a chaotic territory structure that doesn't make good business sense in many cases. ZS Associates doesn't know CV, they don't understand the dynamics of physician networks. Do you know how crazy its going to be when in-fighting starts regarding Cardiology groups that have 4 different offices in 4 different territories. Not all reps play nice in the sand box!

ZS Associates is just a outside consultant company that Novartis can hide behind to limit their liability during this layoff. They are known in the industry for doing crappy work. Shame on Novartis for not doing what is best for their long-term business. Duane should have been fired a long time ago for his incompetence but whoever had the bright idea to use ZS Associates should also be on the chopping block.


The northest is a mess. They dont even have the ABLs figured out yet! And what happened to living within 50 miles of your territory? Some people are over 2 hours away from the start of their territory. Novartis really does manage to mess everything up

Yesterday was a tough day for many of us. Although I personally wasn't displaced, many of my good colleagues who are excellent reps were. My heart goes out to them because other less qualified sales reps or sales reps that are known to have very little sales impact kept their jobs, when they shouldn't have.

My issue with this whole process is that Novartis has relied too much on ZS Associates. Mapping based solely on prescriber volume, home address, and call continuance has created a chaotic territory structure that doesn't make good business sense in many cases. ZS Associates doesn't know CV, they don't understand the dynamics of physician networks. Do you know how crazy its going to be when in-fighting starts regarding Cardiology groups that have 4 different offices in 4 different territories. Not all reps play nice in the sand box!

ZS Associates is just a outside consultant company that Novartis can hide behind to limit their liability during this layoff. They are known in the industry for doing crappy work. Shame on Novartis for not doing what is best for their long-term business. Duane should have been fired a long time ago for his incompetence but whoever had the bright idea to use ZS Associates should also be on the chopping block.

ZS Associates is the hired hitman to do what the company wants to do without getting it's hands-dirty.. they're destroyed many organizations in the past.

ZS Associates is the hired hitman to do what the company wants to do without getting it's hands-dirty.. they're destroyed many organizations in the past.

This is OLD news. Anyone who's been in the industry for any length of time has known this. Too bad for you if you stuck your head in the sand, thinking your numbers or your buddies in management would save you.

Harsh reality. Live and learn.

ZS Associates is the hired hitman to do what the company wants to do without getting it's hands-dirty.. they're destroyed many organizations in the past.
Its not about getting hands dirty. Their hands are plenty dirty. Its about shielding from liability and lawsuits. They can claim it was a fair process determined buy some stupid formula they don't dictate.