Everyone who is here should do what I did when I left...BURN THE TERRITORY TO THE GROUND! The next unfortunate TM is screwed!
I told all the physicians who write or have written in my former territory:
- all the lies Zoll tells to TM's and HCP's
- how billing works
- that JW writes many of the articles TM's use
- that ML wants TM's to target HF to increase wear time and thus $
- The inflated goals
- how TM's are treated (PIP's, etc)
- "preying" on NP/PA's because they're easy targets
- how tech support works and how "qualified" they are
- that in 1 year I had 4 patients die from SCA while the lifevest was sitting on a chair
- that my RM has no previous cardiology experience
- that Zoll encourages us to spend money to feed them and their staff to buy them
- that Medicare is trying everything they can to not pay for lifevest (NPI number requirements, etc)
and most important
- how much lifevest costs and how little most insurance companies reimburse