You will see this pulled from the market and not allowed for sale in the U.S..
Oxycontin was THE only painkiller for people with cancer-traumatic that helped with pain and worked...that was available on the U.S. market.
That all ended in the 4th Quarter of 2010 when the "new" formulation was released. Purdue Pharma's patent was expiring which would have allowed Generics to make and sell it...Purdue Pharma would have lost MEGA-Billions.
To keep Patent rights after their patent expired they got Obama to "order" Purdue Pharma to reformulate Oxycontin claiming ""4 million Americans were illegally getting it, chopping it up and snorting it"". So without clinical trials-testing of the "new formula" they released a new version immediately under the same name. The "new" formulation doesn't work. The human body no longer absorbs the narcotic in Oxycontin and instead gets pooped out.
Turns out their "new" formulation was encasing the narcotic with a plastic/wax so if its chopped up it cant be snorted. Problem it created, the body no longer absorbs the drug when the pill is ingested. Hundreds of thousands have died from organ failure since their bodies couldn't absorb the narcotic. Due to their excruciating pain their organs failed and they all died.
The Doctors hear "Oxycontin" and they think the patients are getting a narcotic for pain relief....when actually the patients received a pill with plasticized narcotics their bodies could not absorb.
With blood on their hands they are still collecting MEGA-Billions by extending their patent rights to Oxycontin. Obama helped them swindle Medicare-Tricare of Billions over the years..and also led to the eventual deaths of these patients from organ failure...since they weren't actually getting narcotics to keep them alive.
The other pain narcotics on the US market arent really effective and dont get used for long. Tramadol results in that "imminent doom" Toxicity effect. Dilaudid, many get side effects from that and cant use it. Morphine, just makes your teeth hurt and offers no pain relief for people in extreme pain.
Why has the US not really had a working pain medication to keep its population alive? Wrong Place...Wrong Time. America got cut off of Saudi Oil in 2007 when they refused to accept US Dollars for oil. So the population needed to be culled. So no one would notice we have less oil and there'd be no lines at the gas pumps they had to enact policies to trim economic activity....people.
The TSA pat downs and body violations was one succesful Psyop to get less flying. You've seen all the rest and will one day understand why they had to do it.
Zohydro won't be allowed. A funny side effect of Obama saving Purdue Pharma's patent rightd to Oxycontin....New York City actually ordered its doctors to stop prescribing Oxycontin because they couldn't afford to pay its high price. Many died. Obama actually had to order his Veterans Affairs to stop prescribing it to save money, many died.
THE only source of pain medication in the U.S. has been....the white powder smuggled across the Mexican Border. Only available to the rich, its kept them alive.
WHY would a Federal Government want no "legal" narcotic available to people in dire pain and really only have that illegal white powder being smuggled in? That white powder and its econmic activity funds the CIA and much of the Federal Government . Its forced people to do more to generate the money needed to get their medicine, its also allowed the Governments (Federal-State) to seize peoples homes, cars, bank accounts...creating far more Federal revenue for operations than would otherwise be possible.
By only having that illegal white powder available its allowed the CIA to amass MOUNTAINS of it. Remember England sucked China dry and utterly destroyed them long ago pushing illegal drugs on them once. America's adopted this policy to be able to secretly amass insane quantities of the white powder to be able to push it into other countries at a future date when needed. You know it gets a region of the worlds attention when they hear the call sign of one of our military cargo plane as "White Knight" flying towards their part of the world.
The real world is dirty...its ugly...and sadly many Americans have died horrific painful deaths as legal narcotics weren't available to them to keep them alive. There's been many many reasons why....In 100 years they might even declassify the stories of the hyper rich madmen who poisoned their fellow Americans so they would generate BILLIONS in revenue since those Americans would need narcotics to keep their immune system from attacking itself...but the call was made. They won't be spending the funds to keep those poor souls alive.
Not when hundreds of millions from around the world would love to become new US citizens....and look at how many new US citizens Obama's brought in.... They don't NEED to keep people alive in severe pain. One way to take over the planet is poison off your population and absorb everyone elses citizens as new citizens....quite a simple tactic to take over the planet.
You'll see Jesus walking on water before you see Zohydro freely available in America for those poor souls in extreme pain.