Zip Line Medical

I have heard it is a done deal. So anyone that plans on staying needs to get ready to spend a lot of time on the OR

That's assuming you can get value analysis to approve it, materials mgmt to store it, and surgeons to use it. With hospitals being tight on new product and costs, I don't see how this product will fit in. Good Luck

That's assuming you can get value analysis to approve it, materials mgmt to store it, and surgeons to use it. With hospitals being tight on new product and costs, I don't see how this product will fit in. Good Luck

Thanks for your thoughts. I heard this type of thing is not an easy sell and access is extremely difficult. I think people are wise to be looking myself.

Zipline is dead in the water.
We're all doomed because we won't have anything new, and only Ofirmev to sell.
Looks like senior management will have nothing for the acute care team.