Is this a joke? After splitting off and then suing Zimmer for the costs of remediating our FDA problems in 1999-2000, Linvatec will potentially rejoin Zimmer! This is a comedy!
Is this a joke? After splitting off and then suing Zimmer for the costs of remediating our FDA problems in 1999-2000, Linvatec will potentially rejoin Zimmer! This is a comedy!
Hey, there isn't anyone left at Zimmer who would remember that lawsuit and settlement. But seriously, I don't see Zimmer buying Linvatec. Why would they? To get our brilliant management team or our state-of-the-art products! Ha ha!
Keep in mind that Zimmer could use: Video (the video system from Linvatec is still a solid product) - Pumps/Shavers, sports medicine - yes, Linvatec would offer them the ability to bundle more into their total joint accounts then they can offer now.
Keep in mind that Zimmer could use: Video (the video system from Linvatec is still a solid product) - Pumps/Shavers, sports medicine - yes, Linvatec would offer them the ability to bundle more into their total joint accounts then they can offer now.