how about ASR. Did it get recalled, or is Depuy just sticking its head in the sand. How's the inserter for the Pinnacle MOM? Pretty good huh? Saw a cocked metal liner just the other day. I didn't know Depuy made a 10 degree MOM liner.
Both companies are pretty equal. Zimmer has everything Depuy does and more coming out. Z has more revision hip offerings and should have antioxidant poly soon. I don't work for either. Zimmer has more market share nationally and may be in a little better position if a new MD moves to your territory. Locally, there is a Zimmer rep who had 0 business a few years ago. 3 big Z MD's moved to town and he does over 5 million now. I woud rather be lucky than good any day.
Tough question! Having worked for both I view them as equal in offerings. If J&J jumps in and starts bundling other products with DePuy's they could alter the equation.
how about ASR. Did it get recalled, or is Depuy just sticking its head in the sand. How's the inserter for the Pinnacle MOM? Pretty good huh? Saw a cocked metal liner just the other day. I didn't know Depuy made a 10 degree MOM liner.
-no it is not recalled. Its better than the Durom (recalled, right?)
-the inserter (A/B Gripper) works well. the problem is no one uses it. it is impossible to put the liner is 'cocked' if you use the inserter.
-As soon as the modular revision stem and acetabular augments come out, the hip revision portfolio will be up to par
-no it is not recalled. Its better than the Durom (recalled, right?)
-the inserter (A/B Gripper) works well. the problem is no one uses it. it is impossible to put the liner is 'cocked' if you use the inserter.
-As soon as the modular revision stem and acetabular augments come out, the hip revision portfolio will be up to par
I have worked for both companies. From my experience I believe DePuy to be the better option.
DePuy: Unmatched Revision Knee portfolio, Very good hip options, Solid Shoulder and their newly expanding trauma products since the Hand Innovations acquisition.
Depuy is starting to get hit with multiple law suits which they will likely lose. I am a physician and have been very involved with their implants especially metal on metal. I have also seen the complications and their response and cover up. Not ultimately good for the stock.
Depuy is starting to get hit with multiple law suits which they will likely lose. I am a physician and have been very involved with their implants especially metal on metal. I have also seen the complications and their response and cover up. Not ultimately good for the stock.
I have worked for both companies. From my experience I believe DePuy to be the better option.
DePuy: Unmatched Revision Knee portfolio, Very good hip options, Solid Shoulder and their newly expanding trauma products since the Hand Innovations acquisition.
Not really, take it from an ex (fortunately) JNJ employee. JNJ is a very unstable company and is always downsizing and turning over employees. It is doing it now, just look at the Ethicon boards. If you guys were smart, you would use the lack of stability and turnover to your advantage that your company will not bundle products and you will not be changing jobs because your company is screwing you or putting you through a downsize.