Zimmer Trauma

certainly explains why Zimmer has had double digit growth in trauma for 3 years. Investment in direct sales force to service hospitals and pruchase of new xfx company. Yep to quote Charles Barkley, "Turrible"

Please keep this opinion going. It really helps

From what I hear, hardly any of the "Academy" trauma reps are selling anything. CM Nail is great and taking business from Gamma, but convincing docs not to use TFN is another thing. A lot of the trauma reps are direct... wonder if Zimmer will continue this model?

Please tell me why we hired Brad Boles as a trauma manager? He came into my hospital, and is now the laughing stock! Now i have no chance to sell anything. Also heard he has zero management experience. On top of everything else, the synthes rep told me he went postal in a hospital when he was a rep. Can we not do better than this guy?

That's debatable as well. He is a former Synthes guy who left for Zimmer, or was fired, not sure. But that's a weird transition. It usually happens the other way around. He's a great guy to hang out with, but he never gave me any impression that he was serious about taking business from Synthes...this also may be due to the Zimmer culture of joints first, then tourniquets, then trauma.