Zimmer trauma nyc


Saw on the main company website a bunch of territories are hiring in most of the 5 boroughs as well as in long island. Are the current guys just not cutting it, or are they just hiring more directs and getting rid of the distributors? This could also be they are losing out to companies such a biomet,stryker,synthes?

The entire NYC area is Stryker and Synthes as far as trauma goes. Very little representation from Biomet/Zimmer/S&N, but there are some pockets of those users here and there....

Saw on the main company website a bunch of territories are hiring in most of the 5 boroughs as well as in long island. Are the current guys just not cutting it, or are they just hiring more directs and getting rid of the distributors? This could also be they are losing out to companies such a biomet,stryker,synthes?

Cost cutting move, plain and simple. More to come as mgm't has finally figured out that distributors making +$1.0M per year for re-filling instrument sets and implant carts is a MASSIVE overpayment in today's market. Millions buys a lot of college graduates that are happy schlepping joints for $80K/year. Great to see these arrogant asshole distributors get kicked to the curb, long overdue.

Zimmer trauma in NYC is a joke. Lucky to have a few HHC accounts, but with that contract open again, they will soon be out at most of them. Heard they can't even keep the one Brooklyn acct they sweet talked into a joint and trauma deal happy because the trauma reps are clueless. They have really been tanking for the last year and half. Wouldn't be surprised if the did a clean sweep of the whole NYC team.

Clean sweep? Everyone already left. 7 territories, 6 people quitting, manager fired.

It's a Stryker city, Synthes suburban.

not sure what city your in but Manhattan is all Synthes, Most of Queens too, and lets be honest...who really wants the headaches of Brooklyn. Gamma dominates but that is it. They did trick a few hospitals into 90% deals but those hospitals are already reaching out to other companies for when the contract is up because they see the holes in the plates and screw offering and they are realizing that a nail is a nail and there is a lot of good ex-fix in the market