Zimmer Trauma Managers Fired????


Is this true? Is it because of a lack of performance, or is Zimmer taking a page out of Stryker's Playbook and putting Trauma under Recon Management? Smith and Nephew has put their Trauma Business under the Endo Division. Why are these companies taking their focus off of Trauma. It just does not make business sense!

Jumping on a sinking ship just makes it sink faster. 3rd time is not the charm. Trauma needs firm, decisive leadership. you wont find it here. RSD's and have too much involvement. Crippled by corp mentatlity. One day someone is going to say "we've spent THIS much and we've sold this much" and they will tell everybody to go home

Weak Management??? Find somebody in upper management that has a background in TRAUMA!!!! Wouldn't make sense to find somebody that knows something about the business before you put them in charge?!? Try no management. It's like trying build a house without the plans

This is the problem every time with trauma in every company. They hire a bunch of people that have no idea what they are doing and then they try to build a sales force. Is the rumor true that Eric Anderson is there? If it is what is he doing?