Zimmer to buy Orthofix


I have been hearing more and more rumors about Zimmer buying Orthofix. Seems like a smart plan, we have a total Ankle, they have foot and ankle reps, we have a weak Bio line, they have MTF technology agreement. Our spine sucks their spine sucks, so maybe together spine would suck a little less. Plus they have a new Pin to Bar that makes our new system out dated. Just saying, my group wouldn't say no to this merger.

I have been hearing more and more rumors about Zimmer buying Orthofix. Seems like a smart plan, we have a total Ankle, they have foot and ankle reps, we have a weak Bio line, they have MTF technology agreement. Our spine sucks their spine sucks, so maybe together spine would suck a little less. Plus they have a new Pin to Bar that makes our new system out dated. Just saying, my group wouldn't say no to this merger.

While an acquisition of OrthoFix may occur, the Zimmer XtraOrtho pin 2 bar system is about as good as it gets. Why would you make such a statement that OrthoFix has a better product? Are there issues w/ the new Z system? I ask, since I am going to trial it soon.

While an acquisition of OrthoFix may occur, the Zimmer XtraOrtho pin 2 bar system is about as good as it gets. Why would you make such a statement that OrthoFix has a better product? Are there issues w/ the new Z system? I ask, since I am going to trial it soon.

Sorry to say, but there are issues, once the clamp snap head is removed it can be quit frustrating to put this back on. Further for those who have not reviewed the competitions pin to bar systems have missed the new Orthofix Galaxy. I hate to say this but if Zimmer does not buy Orthofix then we will lose major market share to their new system launched December 2012. But don't buy for one line buy for the systems, Biologically, Bone Stimulation, and Foot and Ankle focused exfx.

Sorry to say, but there are issues, once the clamp snap head is removed it can be quit frustrating to put this back on. Further for those who have not reviewed the competitions pin to bar systems have missed the new Orthofix Galaxy. I hate to say this but if Zimmer does not buy Orthofix then we will lose major market share to their new system launched December 2012. But don't buy for one line buy for the systems, Biologically, Bone Stimulation, and Foot and Ankle focused exfx.

Only interested in Z pin 2 bar systems.... why would a surgeon remove the clamp snap head? It snaps on to affix to a pin or a bar, without having to disassemble - correct? Are you suggesting that it inadvertently falls off upon affixing to a pin or a bar? If so, this is a show stopper for me.

Are there other issues to be concerned with both during and post surgery? Does it hold a reduction when properly tightened?

Agree that the Galaxy looks like a great product. Just concerned about the Z product I am about to trial some time this month. Seems these sets are hard to get.... that true too?


I have no experience with Orthofix, however my customers have been using the Xtrafix system for a few months now and I assure you it's legit. I've played with both the Synthes and Stryker Hoffman 3. Hoffman 3 is closest in comparison but most surgeons prefer the Xtrafix clamps for their range of motion and the fact that the bars won't pop off once they snap in. Plus the Xtrafix clamps are called efficiency clamps for a reason - they're a one piece construct, no assembly required, fewer pieces to deal with, less OR time.

The Orthofix system may have some advantages but not that myself or my surgeons are aware of. I've never seen an Orthofix rep anywhere near my territory.

I have no experience with Orthofix, however my customers have been using the Xtrafix system for a few months now and I assure you it's legit. I've played with both the Synthes and Stryker Hoffman 3. Hoffman 3 is closest in comparison but most surgeons prefer the Xtrafix clamps for their range of motion and the fact that the bars won't pop off once they snap in. Plus the Xtrafix clamps are called efficiency clamps for a reason - they're a one piece construct, no assembly required, fewer pieces to deal with, less OR time.

The Orthofix system may have some advantages but not that myself or my surgeons are aware of. I've never seen an Orthofix rep anywhere near my territory.

This was the thought when the product was presented. It's just concerning that a problem with the xtrafix clamp was posted. Guess a chill pill is in order.... just trial the product. Right now, using that bulky synthes pin 2 bar. It works, but the clamps are huge.

This was the thought when the product was presented. It's just concerning that a problem with the xtrafix clamp was posted. Guess a chill pill is in order.... just trial the product. Right now, using that bulky synthes pin 2 bar. It works, but the clamps are huge.

I'm not sure what it means to remove a snap head. I've worked with the clamps many times. I have one in front of me right now. I still can't figure out what that person was talking about. Just use the system as it is intended to be used (don't dip it in acid, don't pour hot lava on it) and I'm sure you will be fine.

I knew almost nothing about ex fix systems before this product arrived. My best advice would be to familiarize yourself with competitive systems (find one in spd and play with it), and learn what type of ex fix constructs people are commonly using so you can understand and anticipate someone's needs based on a particular fracture, then show the surgeon how to accomplish this in less time with fewer pieces. Efficiency clamps are the shit.

Only interested in Z pin 2 bar systems.... why would a surgeon remove the clamp snap head? It snaps on to affix to a pin or a bar, without having to disassemble - correct? Are you suggesting that it inadvertently falls off upon affixing to a pin or a bar? If so, this is a show stopper for me.

Are there other issues to be concerned with both during and post surgery? Does it hold a reduction when properly tightened?

Agree that the Galaxy looks like a great product. Just concerned about the Z product I am about to trial some time this month. Seems these sets are hard to get.... that true too?


I can't speak for Orthofix's availablility. I agree with other posts, try our system you will see what I mean about snap off. When we do buy Orthofix then you can see Galaxy if you don't have a local rep.

My customers have used the Xtrafix and they think it's great. There haven't been any "snap-offs". The system is designed to prevent that. Why would Zimmer by another ex fix immediately after purchasing this technology?

My customers have used the Xtrafix and they think it's great. There haven't been any "snap-offs". The system is designed to prevent that. Why would Zimmer by another ex fix immediately after purchasing this technology?

Pray you don't buy OFIX. It is a corrupt train wreck which would only handicap any company that buys it.
Plus, It would never pass diligence with Z as it has a CIA and DPA etc.,11 ...Bad house in a bad neighborhood.

I am starting to think this Zimmer/OFIX deal is for real. New high mgmt positions in both companies are connected. This is a way for Z to get a direct trauma sales force immediately

Zimmer Direct trauma sales force. Fourth strike. IT WILL NEVER WORK. Fact: Trauma is now and always be a young man's game. It's fast paced and decisions inviolving large $'s must be made quickly. Hospitals will not invest in a system that can't cover their needs completely. Why would they?. Only if Synthes pisses them off. Look at the recall of Synthes nails. Zimmer didn't pick up 2% in new business. you can't hang a trauma title on somebody and think they even understand the trauma business. That's why is fails every time!!!!! People are you listening?!? Talking about it WON'T MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!Management by committee will kill it every time. They just hired 50 people 18 months ago and they are all gone.

Zimmer Direct trauma sales force. Fourth strike. IT WILL NEVER WORK. Fact: Trauma is now and always be a young man's game. It's fast paced and decisions inviolving large $'s must be made quickly. Hospitals will not invest in a system that can't cover their needs completely. Why would they?. Only if Synthes pisses them off. Look at the recall of Synthes nails. Zimmer didn't pick up 2% in new business. you can't hang a trauma title on somebody and think they even understand the trauma business. That's why is fails every time!!!!! People are you listening?!? Talking about it WON'T MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!Management by committee will kill it every time. They just hired 50 people 18 months ago and they are all gone.

Agree with your comments. Its all about expectations. If Z wants to be a player in trauma it will take a similiar template to Synthes approach and many years to convert the docs and hospitals . I would give it 15+ years.