Zimmer CMF?


I heard that Zimmer was looking to make a move into CMF through a buy-out, any truth to that? I don't know who they could buy but it would seem to make sense. They already have Dental and the only thing missing from their portfolio is head/facial/neuro implants. Like most rumors, it's probably false but I thought I would inquire anyway.

I agree, I could see them filling this missing void to make them a more versatile device company. Like you, I have no idea who they could buy or if it's even feasible to launch a CMF division from scratch, probably not. Of the 6 most common CMF companies (Stryker, Synthes, Biomet, Medtronic, KLS Martin, OsteoMed), Osteomed is the only one that would seem like a viable candidate for a buy-out. Thoughts?

this makes no sense whatsoever. you don't just buy in to a market you have no experience in. cmf is not in their future.
You, my friend, must not be familiar with the word "acquisition"? Happens all the time. Zimmer tends to buy things that are at least somewhat aligned with their business though, so I too tend to agree that this has a low probability, since the dental market is entirely different from CMF, plus since they've not handled the trauma market well - that would seem a more likely leverage point, but they are not strong there.

i heard this rumor the other day. my buddy is a total rep for Zimmer and he says, with a grain of salt, that the DePuy/Synthes merger is almost going to force other companies to try and keep pace with a similar portfolio of product offerings; or get left behind. it makes sense but i think a lot more things have to happen in this industry before that will become true. Obamacare certainly is could be one of those factors.

i heard this rumor the other day. my buddy is a total rep for Zimmer and he says, with a grain of salt, that the DePuy/Synthes merger is almost going to force other companies to try and keep pace with a similar portfolio of product offerings; or get left behind. it makes sense but i think a lot more things have to happen in this industry before that will become true. Obamacare certainly is could be one of those factors.

We are already seeing the effect of Obamacare - look at Stryker cutting jobs. Contingency plans like that have been in the works for some time in preparation for O'care being upheld. Similarly, look at Zimmer's initiative to cut over $400million in costs - which has included numerous rounds of headcount cuts already. O'care has companies running for the hills. I don't think O'care really sets a tone for M&A expenditures. Yes, Synthes/DePuy is a very mighty giant that others will struggle to contend with, but it looks like the timing of their combination couldn't be better, as the economic climate is not getting better so competitors are less willing to do what's necessary to grow and compete with them. Zimmer has a lot of cash, but their acquisitions lately have been bolt-ons to their current lines, not anything with a sales force or that their own sales force can't be expected to carry.

How ironic (Jan. 1) that I just heard about this in one of my hospitals this morning. Its the first I have heard of it but it looks like others have heard the same thing. No one has responded to this post in awhile, is it because the rumors were unfounded or that Zimmer was waiting until the new year to test the medical device climate before spending (or cutting) its financials?

Zimmer is buying CMF Medicon. They are a small player out of Jacksonville. The technology is as good as any of the cmf plating companies in the market. This acquisition will take place before year end.

Zimmer is buying CMF Medicon. They are a small player out of Jacksonville. The technology is as good as any of the cmf plating companies in the market. This acquisition will take place before year end.

CMF Medicon....hahahahahahahahahaha. With about .00002% of the products required to be a true player CMF Medicon is an industry joke.