I don't know for sure if the respi division will be sold off or not. I have heard the same rumors. What puzzles me though is why Sunovion set up another company, Sunovion Respiratory Products. We did not need to do that just to absorb Elevation and its LAMA molecule. There isn't a Sunovion Oncology Products set up and we bought Boston Biomedical and their two molecules a year before that. Sunovion is a small, (and so is DSP) chickenshit company in the grand scheme of things. The two combined are a $4 billion organization--not all that large. The Pfizers, Mercks, Sanofis, even the Takedas and Forests of the world are much larger. Some could buy us cash without breaking a sweat. Why make this second corporation? It sure would be easy to sell off in one nice, neat little package, wouldn't it? I remember the presentation to investors a year ago, and it is still on the DSP website, where the future listed oncology and CNS as our future, and there was no mention of respiratory. I am still looking for the presentation to investors held a couple of weeks ago, but I can't find it.
Remember, this company was bought for one reason and one reason only--launch Latuda in the USA. I don't think the Japs give a real rat's ass for any of the existing products the company had, and are willing to sacrifice them all to make Latuda a successful, and very profitable, drug in the short window before it goes generic.