Zelboraf launch meeting

So does Genentech have the same 'relationships" with the powers that be for Zelboraf as it appears to have for Avastin? Were those at the Zelobraf launch meeting even told and do they care? They should! The U.S. Food and Drug Administration panel unanimously ruled that the Genentech drug Avastin should no longer be approved for use by Breast Cancer patients. However that decision was just about nullified because an insurance panel, loaded with Genentech paid people voted to continue insurance coverage off label for Avastin. So an $8,000 a month drug that the fda says was not effective and caused dangerous side effects is still being covered by insurance companies!

So does Genentech have the same 'relationships" with the powers that be for Zelboraf as it appears to have for Avastin? Were those at the Zelobraf launch meeting even told and do they care? They should! The U.S. Food and Drug Administration panel unanimously ruled that the Genentech drug Avastin should no longer be approved for use by Breast Cancer patients. However that decision was just about nullified because an insurance panel, loaded with Genentech paid people voted to continue insurance coverage off label for Avastin. So an $8,000 a month drug that the fda says was not effective and caused dangerous side effects is still being covered by insurance companies!

Insurance panel? what are you babbling about?

So does Genentech have the same 'relationships" with the powers that be for Zelboraf as it appears to have for Avastin? Were those at the Zelobraf launch meeting even told and do they care? They should! The U.S. Food and Drug Administration panel unanimously ruled that the Genentech drug Avastin should no longer be approved for use by Breast Cancer patients. However that decision was just about nullified because an insurance panel, loaded with Genentech paid people voted to continue insurance coverage off label for Avastin. So an $8,000 a month drug that the fda says was not effective and caused dangerous side effects is still being covered by insurance companies!

Seriously, I can deal with Avastin-hating in breast cancer, it seems to be very in-style. But if you are going to rant and rave please endeavor to be less moronic. The notion that we have some "special relationship" is preposterous. If we had such a relationship I suspect that we would have leveraged it years ago to avoid this sh&t show in the first place

Its called NCCN folks and its kinda like an insurance panel but does not have to be followed. It does justify use based on science in their opinion. As for this new drug, you better be worried. BHO and the gang will hold it up based on cost. Unless you got real survival data its shot.