ZD's Conference Calls before National Conference Call

Every time my ZD has scheduled a conference call without my RD is when my RD got another role in the company or left the company, and yes this has happened to me twice. So I can only speculate that with what was said on Monday to some of these RD's that your ZD is rolling out the fate of your RD...sorry

This is probably not a every region in the company thing but only those RD's that were laid off or moved into another role within Shire may be having these...just a thought

This is just the beginning of the layoffs that will take place over the next 2-3 weeks where they do things in little parts. They don't want to have 1 massive layoff but small little layoffs daily to not bring the hammer down as hard and a big PR problem for the salesforce. I still think its crap but this is how they want to do it.

haha. Im with you! Sleep in tomorrow, drink in during the call. standard friday anyways..

except that instead of beers i will be doing shots of patron...i will do 2-3 of these before the call...be ready for a crazy guy that un-mutes his phone on the other end and tells DB to "Please be as transparent as this patron and vodka that I am drinking right now!"

Does anyone know if any RD's were displaced or transferred to another area with the reduction to 50 regions? I am hoping mine did. If I am lucky & don't get canned I would be much happier with another RD. I'll take what I can get though.