YTD Rankings


Can someone explain how in the world CV reps are ranked against Patch & Reclast reps? We just got our YTD rankings from manager and EVERY CV rep is in the bottom of the barrell vs. the Patch & Reclast people.

The sick part is CV brings in a boat load more dough to the bottom line vs. Patch & Reclast!

What an idiotic way to rank people!

Welcome to getting a 1 on my review & out the door!

They want to eliminate tenured reps & the bulk reside in CV
If you notice many newer reps were moved to neuro or other disease states
from CV while the seasoned citizens remain in CV

This is all planned for upcoming layoffs

It is simple, less cv reps will be needed in the future. Get ready for the next layoff. It is just like last time. What is fair is not their agenda. What the master plan is.

Can someone explain how in the world CV reps are ranked against Patch & Reclast reps? We just got our YTD rankings from manager and EVERY CV rep is in the bottom of the barrell vs. the Patch & Reclast people.

The sick part is CV brings in a boat load more dough to the bottom line vs. Patch & Reclast!

What an idiotic way to rank people!

Welcome to getting a 1 on my review & out the door!

The problem with you CV people, you think you're the best, but actually have been lucky all these years with an easy product like Diovan which has sold itself. You deserve to be removed from this company and perhaps you can start finally selling somewhere else. Cio baby!

The problem with you CV people, you think you're the best, but actually have been lucky all these years with an easy product like Diovan which has sold itself. You deserve to be removed from this company and perhaps you can start finally selling somewhere else. Cio baby!

That is rude and you will get yours in the end. You will regret saying this. Every time something bad happens to you, and it will, and probably often, you can thank yourself for karma. Ciao, is believe is what you were meaning to spell.

OP here - I have been with Novartis for 13 years and Diovan has helped make a comfortable living for my family and I - yes...

However, I had to sell Patch and Reclast for 2 years in 2 different territories. Those products are niche products and were a much easier sell vs. the Hypertension market.

Try selling a HTN med when you have numerous generic & branded alternatives, managed care issues, and at times you end up canabilizing your own business or that of your Pod Mate. Selling Patch & Reclast is a cake walk compared to that.

You are an ignorant punk

This is a stupid thread and shows how little most reps know about how they are being evaluated. Novartis is using forced product rankings. After your product rankings are established, they multiply that by your product weighting. That resulting number is then forced ranked vs all reps. So to say that CV reps are being ranked lower than REE reps is silly because each ranking is created based only on how your product did vs the same product in all other territories with weighting that depends on your call plan. What product you are selling means nothing. It makes no difference what product you are selling when product rankings are used. Now if they used straight % to goal that would be a different story. Then, what product you sell is huge because different products could have relatively more aggressive or less aggressive goals vs another product. But with the current system, if you are 1/500 with EXP or 1/500 with TEK, it is meaningless (assuming same % weighting in your call plan).

FWIW, my area has all of the REE reps ranked lower than the CV.

This is a stupid thread and shows how little most reps know about how they are being evaluated. Novartis is using forced product rankings. After your product rankings are established, they multiply that by your product weighting. That resulting number is then forced ranked vs all reps. So to say that CV reps are being ranked lower than REE reps is silly because each ranking is created based only on how your product did vs the same product in all other territories with weighting that depends on your call plan. What product you are selling means nothing. It makes no difference what product you are selling when product rankings are used. Now if they used straight % to goal that would be a different story. Then, what product you sell is huge because different products could have relatively more aggressive or less aggressive goals vs another product. But with the current system, if you are 1/500 with EXP or 1/500 with TEK, it is meaningless (assuming same % weighting in your call plan).

FWIW, my area has all of the REE reps ranked lower than the CV.

Finally someone that know what they are talking about Thanks

Your product weighting will have nothing to do with your keeping your job. What your "rating" is will have far more weight than products. Don't you get that many reps are trained on more than just Diovan and Exforge? And if HR deems your employment continues, then you will be trained on whatever product they want you to sell.
The managed care outlook and generic Avapro will have much more influence on how many of us are here in the spring. Aliskiren is going nowhere so there's nothing to replace Diovan. And they will hire from the outside for the specialty meds anyway, haven't you noticed the trend? And this includes managers. It's already starting in Puerto Rico. What area is next?