Your time will come


It is only a matter of time. As you belittle your direct reports, your insecurities mount, as you realize no one trusts or enjoys your company, your time will come.

Life has a funny way up slapping you across the face when you treat people poorly over time. Power is a funny thing that eventually corrupts the insecure and weak minded. They laugh at you, whisper behind your back and long for the day you are no longer here.

This place will be great when the last few cancers are gone. HQ said it themselves, even if someone is a rock star, cut them loose if they are a cancer. Last time I checked you were definitely one of the two. Keep them on an island so no one else knows the truth.

If you only understood that respect and loyalty are earned not given. You can destroy what you've built over time in the course of seconds. The worst part is your complete lack of self awareness. No matter how much help they give, you never learn. Enjoy it here, b/c you will never get an opportunity like this at another company.

Happy Holidays.