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Your Psycho Manager


I have worked for at Lilly, and other companies, for managers virtually every member of the district not only dreaded working with, but absolutely hated.

There have been 4 in my Lilly career who were mostly fair, credible, honest. Not always great, but at least sincere.

But several of the managers I have worked for are just below the level of ax murders. I think a diagnosis of some of these managers would show them to be insane, but because they don't ever commit a crime, and because they are smart fo the most part, they get away scot free.

What sets them apart, and what should you look for? For the purpose of this message, and not that the term Psycho DOESN'T apply to men -- it can -- but in this message I will identify those women managers who are full blown crazy and nuts, and their teams know it. I'm not misogynist, I am observant. Here are the characteristics I have noted. It applies to all companies as well, as I have many friends who see this in their companies:

* They are incredibly insecure, but they mask their insecurity with their absolute power and attempt to control their reps. Usually they will have arcane rules, making their teams sign off on pledges of loyalty, pages of team rules under the auspices of "working agreements." Then, they have an almost unlimited number of reasons to get rid of "disloyal" reps who might violate trivial team rules.

* They might be married to someone who is unemployable or with limited job skills-- someone they can control. Control is such a part of their psychotic need, they tolerate their partner not working. While they passively/aggressively disparage their spouse, with laughter and a wink and a smile publicly, they also make it obvious that any family success is the result of their efforts. The dupe they married is a hapless sap.

*They absolutely have no conscience, which is evident as they gain great joy over destroying peoples lives, without any normal compassion. The love to fire reps. The only thing that holds them back in some cases is that it is much more pleasurable to keep reps around, futures hanging in the balance, making them squirm, seeing if they can make them groveling serfs, thus continuing their dominance.

These kind of managers are only a step away from serial killer status. Sadly, they are the reason threads like "who is the worst manager" exist.


Too much Adderall?

I have worked for at Lilly, and other companies, for managers virtually every member of the district not only dreaded working with, but absolutely hated.

There have been 4 in my Lilly career who were mostly fair, credible, honest. Not always great, but at least sincere.

But several of the managers I have worked for are just below the level of ax murders. I think a diagnosis of some of these managers would show them to be insane, but because they don't ever commit a crime, and because they are smart fo the most part, they get away scot free.

What sets them apart, and what should you look for? For the purpose of this message, and not that the term Psycho DOESN'T apply to men -- it can -- but in this message I will identify those women managers who are full blown crazy and nuts, and their teams know it. I'm not misogynist, I am observant. Here are the characteristics I have noted. It applies to all companies as well, as I have many friends who see this in their companies:

* They are incredibly insecure, but they mask their insecurity with their absolute power and attempt to control their reps. Usually they will have arcane rules, making their teams sign off on pledges of loyalty, pages of team rules under the auspices of "working agreements." Then, they have an almost unlimited number of reasons to get rid of "disloyal" reps who might violate trivial team rules.

* They might be married to someone who is unemployable or with limited job skills-- someone they can control. Control is such a part of their psychotic need, they tolerate their partner not working. While they passively/aggressively disparage their spouse, with laughter and a wink and a smile publicly, they also make it obvious that any family success is the result of their efforts. The dupe they married is a hapless sap.

*They absolutely have no conscience, which is evident as they gain great joy over destroying peoples lives, without any normal compassion. The love to fire reps. The only thing that holds them back in some cases is that it is much more pleasurable to keep reps around, futures hanging in the balance, making them squirm, seeing if they can make them groveling serfs, thus continuing their dominance.

These kind of managers are only a step away from serial killer status. Sadly, they are the reason threads like "who is the worst manager" exist.

I have worked for at Lilly, and other companies, for managers virtually every member of the district not only dreaded working with, but absolutely hated.

There have been 4 in my Lilly career who were mostly fair, credible, honest. Not always great, but at least sincere.

But several of the managers I have worked for are just below the level of ax murders. I think a diagnosis of some of these managers would show them to be insane, but because they don't ever commit a crime, and because they are smart fo the most part, they get away scot free.

What sets them apart, and what should you look for? For the purpose of this message, and not that the term Psycho DOESN'T apply to men -- it can -- but in this message I will identify those women managers who are full blown crazy and nuts, and their teams know it. I'm not misogynist, I am observant. Here are the characteristics I have noted. It applies to all companies as well, as I have many friends who see this in their companies:

* They are incredibly insecure, but they mask their insecurity with their absolute power and attempt to control their reps. Usually they will have arcane rules, making their teams sign off on pledges of loyalty, pages of team rules under the auspices of "working agreements." Then, they have an almost unlimited number of reasons to get rid of "disloyal" reps who might violate trivial team rules.

* They might be married to someone who is unemployable or with limited job skills-- someone they can control. Control is such a part of their psychotic need, they tolerate their partner not working. While they passively/aggressively disparage their spouse, with laughter and a wink and a smile publicly, they also make it obvious that any family success is the result of their efforts. The dupe they married is a hapless sap.

*They absolutely have no conscience, which is evident as they gain great joy over destroying peoples lives, without any normal compassion. The love to fire reps. The only thing that holds them back in some cases is that it is much more pleasurable to keep reps around, futures hanging in the balance, making them squirm, seeing if they can make them groveling serfs, thus continuing their dominance.

These kind of managers are only a step away from serial killer status. Sadly, they are the reason threads like "who is the worst manager" exist.

You worked for Marianne M too, huh?

I am fortunate I had two of the very best managers ever in my Kansas territory during the 13 years I worked in the city, Neuro div. They just don’t have motivators or awesome managers like this anymore. Now it is all about me, myself and I.

I am fortunate I had two of the very best managers ever in my Kansas territory during the 13 years I worked in the city, Neuro div. They just don’t have motivators or awesome managers like this anymore. Now it is all about me, myself and I.
yes i had them both before Lillys severanced both we’re old school Awesome

My Manager is scum. Just can't leave us alone for 1 day. Every day a new email, conference call, motivational tip, project, etc. Here's a tip: Leave us alone and let us do our jobs. Here's food for thought. Eliminate field rides and double the amount of reps per team. We would get rid of half the DMs and probably double our numbers.

My Manager is scum. Just can't leave us alone for 1 day. Every day a new email, conference call, motivational tip, project, etc. Here's a tip: Leave us alone and let us do our jobs. Here's food for thought. Eliminate field rides and double the amount of reps per team. We would get rid of half the DMs and probably double our numbers.
Field rides are their ace card. They will never give them up. If you’re doing great, it’s because of their coaching. If you’re struggling, they’re present to make your life miserable. They will claim you just couldn’t grasp the coaching they provided.

I have worked for at Lilly, and other companies, for managers virtually every member of the district not only dreaded working with, but absolutely hated.

There have been 4 in my Lilly career who were mostly fair, credible, honest. Not always great, but at least sincere.

But several of the managers I have worked for are just below the level of ax murders. I think a diagnosis of some of these managers would show them to be insane, but because they don't ever commit a crime, and because they are smart fo the most part, they get away scot free.

What sets them apart, and what should you look for? For the purpose of this message, and not that the term Psycho DOESN'T apply to men -- it can -- but in this message I will identify those women managers who are full blown crazy and nuts, and their teams know it. I'm not misogynist, I am observant. Here are the characteristics I have noted. It applies to all companies as well, as I have many friends who see this in their companies:

* They are incredibly insecure, but they mask their insecurity with their absolute power and attempt to control their reps. Usually they will have arcane rules, making their teams sign off on pledges of loyalty, pages of team rules under the auspices of "working agreements." Then, they have an almost unlimited number of reasons to get rid of "disloyal" reps who might violate trivial team rules.

* They might be married to someone who is unemployable or with limited job skills-- someone they can control. Control is such a part of their psychotic need, they tolerate their partner not working. While they passively/aggressively disparage their spouse, with laughter and a wink and a smile publicly, they also make it obvious that any family success is the result of their efforts. The dupe they married is a hapless sap.

*They absolutely have no conscience, which is evident as they gain great joy over destroying peoples lives, without any normal compassion. The love to fire reps. The only thing that holds them back in some cases is that it is much more pleasurable to keep reps around, futures hanging in the balance, making them squirm, seeing if they can make them groveling serfs, thus continuing their dominance.

These kind of managers are only a step away from serial killer status. Sadly, they are the reason threads like "who is the worst manager" exist.

All applies to men except it is cloaked in less pejorative terms-
* “They are incredibly insecure, but they mask their insecurity with their absolute power and attempt to control their reps. Usually they will have arcane rules, making their teams sign off on pledges of loyalty, pages of team rules under the auspices of "working agreements." Then, they have an almost unlimited number of reasons to get rid of "disloyal" reps who might violate trivial team rules.”
EVERY Manager does this to a certain extent..except it becomes intolerable with any gender and I’ve seen it from both. So your over generalization comes off sexist and old school. But you are very correct regarding insecure

*” They might be married to someone who is unemployable or with limited job skills-- someone they can control. Control is such a part of their psychotic need, they tolerate their partner not working. While they passively/aggressively disparage their spouse, with laughter and a wink and a smile publicly, they also make it obvious that any family success is the result of their efforts. The dupe they married is a hapless sap.”
Somewhat true except the flip is also true—- truly scary as many have the personality of a napkin...and not those cocktail ones with clever jokes etc

*They absolutely have no conscience, which is evident as they gain great joy over destroying peoples lives, without any normal compassion. The love to fire reps. The only thing that holds them back in some cases is that it is much more pleasurable to keep reps around, futures hanging in the balance, making them squirm, seeing if they can make them groveling serfs, thus continuing their dominance.
Actually one of THE most common traits among directors and above: retirees SM and his absolute psycho wife MM..both of the Atl) and GB=Irish drunk all LOVED to fire people. It’s how they got promoted!
It’s the system that rewards not the gender “Einstein”.

These kind of managers are only a step away from serial killer status. Sadly, they are the reason threads like "who is the worst manager" exist.

OP Here: The post was specific to women managers, not because there aren't plenty of psycho male managers -- there are -- many more of them because there are more men.

And no, I haven't worked for MM in OK, but I have known people from other divisions who did. Perfect example, checks all boxes. But she will come on a thread like this and extol her many virtues and talk about herself as "the best manager I ever had." lol

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