We at Meda have no idea how this person was actually able to find another job in the industry never mind a position in leadership. He must be able to really polish terds in interviews. Check the Meda board for his other nickname besides Ferrett. For shits and giggles ask him what happened to Meda and what he had to do with its downfall? Sit back and listen to him stumble and point fingers.
Finally DO NOT TRUST HIM! Dont let him buddy up to you at a meeting and ask for honest feedback or "whats really going on in the field", he will toss you to his superious in a heartbeat.
Youve been warned!
Finally DO NOT TRUST HIM! Dont let him buddy up to you at a meeting and ask for honest feedback or "whats really going on in the field", he will toss you to his superious in a heartbeat.
Youve been warned!