You think being a drug rep is a career?? Well do ya' punk?


It is interesting that when you are in the game of Big Pharma as a rep, you really
do think that you are in a career type position…At least us old timers did back in the day…

Hell, we lived in the same neighborhoods as our doctors, drove the same Lexus SUV's, and at the same restaurants. (More often even!)

It was very easy to feel like we had viable careers that were on par (income wise anyway) with CPAs, ranked and file lawyers, (not partners in law firms) and other highly compensated individuals…

When you are out of the game looking back on it all, you see the degree of brainwashing that
took place, and how Big Pharma loves naive, well-intentioned individuals…

The whole thing is a charade of the highest order now…And a drug rep is one of the least prestigious jobs you can have…The butt of jokes in many circles…

Will pharma detailing ever regain the respected position it once had? I doubt it…

The drug companies ultimately got what they deserved…A bunch of crooked millionaires at the top, and armies of disgruntled employees waiting around for their turn to get laid off…It basically comes down to the few that control the many.


Oh yes, and all of the personal time, years, etc. are not appreciated and one was only as good as their last product and their is no loyalty on the part of the practitioner or the management. You are forgotten (they all are) faster than a second. Incredible but a very eye-opening experience to say the least.

A quasi-socialist healthcare system devoid of choice, any rational cost structure and crushing regulations all but spells death for anyone operating in a "sales" capacity. This is the overarching shit sandwich that everyone in this once great nation must now chow down on. A dysfunctional and rudderless Merck run by a flock of self serving vultures only adds to this misery