You know your manager is a total douche when.....


You know your manager is a total douche when.....

Out of all the people he or she interviewed they made the decision to hire your sorry ass.

How true this is. I've been around for a long time and I love it when some asshole bad mouths their boss and says what an idiot they are. I find out this person hired them. Yeah I guess they must be a real idiot.

How true this is. I've been around for a long time and I love it when some asshole bad mouths their boss and says what an idiot they are. I find out this person hired them. Yeah I guess they must be a real idiot.

I've seen this a hundred times in pharma. Some 20 something baby crying about their manager and how stupid they are. I look at them and ask if they hired YOU...when they say yes...I just laugh and walk away..They get the point.

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