You know who strikes again! Hidden and Skewed Numbers!!!


Oh yes ladies and gentlemen, you know who strikes again! June numbers skewed along w entire second quarter numbers. Do you really think everyone doesn't know your game? What an embarrassment. "You know who," posts YTD numbers and tells sales force they're second quarter numbers!!! What a joker!!!

Also company refuses to post all sales rep standing YTD, MTD, QTD. why are you hiding these numbers??? That bad?

Nothing is going to change here. The business model is set up by an egotistical business man who will not accept the fact that he cannot drive revenues past what the product can do on it's own. He doesn't listen to anyone and doesn't surround himself with experts and take any advice. It's obvious all he wants to do is get his IPO and bail out. Meanwhile he could care less about any of his people. When is this company going to start taking ownership on the negative impact it is having on so many families and young sales professionals out there every day. This company, amazingly, has coerced some strong people to come over and now they have reps that can penetrate, they are finally exposed for the total lack of knowledge and business prowess. They can't support their sales force. BOTTOM LINE.

Nothing is going to change here. The business model is set up by an egotistical business man who will not accept the fact that he cannot drive revenues past what the product can do on it's own. He doesn't listen to anyone and doesn't surround himself with experts and take any advice. It's obvious all he wants to do is get his IPO and bail out. Meanwhile he could care less about any of his people. When is this company going to start taking ownership on the negative impact it is having on so many families and young sales professionals out there every day. This company, amazingly, has coerced some strong people to come over and now they have reps that can penetrate, they are finally exposed for the total lack of knowledge and business prowess. They can't support their sales force. BOTTOM LINE.

This is spot on.

I really can't wait until Vegas. I wan't to hear the conversations after a few reps get a couple drinks in them. I really hope upper management stays away from me, because chances are I will not hold back.

Why is everybody so mean to me. I am doing the best I can. I can't help it if I don't know how to lead a sales force. Don't you know how hard it is to sell a group of people(CEO and President and Board) a story when I'm making this shit up as I go along. I wish everyone would just stop asking me to to do things I just don't know how to do. My feelings get hurt everytime I read one of your post. I can't even look in the mirror because everytime I do, I vomit. Don't all of you realize that if you keep putting all of these truth's on this site, someone might figure me out. Please Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday night the anticipation builds as we wonder how long is it going to take on "Bladder Matters" until the Extreme Commander utters the words "Is anyone ON from Legal?....No?...Good, here's what you do........"

Hey guys, let's talk about the AWARDS ceremony 3/4ths of the way through the year at the upcoming national sales meeting!

1. To the Texas rep who was turned in but rewarded and put on bladder matters for kickbacks: A cocktail napkin with your name! (We can't pay for studies this is the best we can do!!!

2. For the AREA manager that had to do ALL the work for his reps: A bottle of Lexapro!

3. For the top 2 reps in sales, a BIG HANDSHAKE! Congratulations on being the only two states with reimbursement!!!!