You heard it here first.. Bausch to be broken up

As long as Valeant employees and Bausch employees work in the same buildings no one is going to believe that B&L is its own stand alone company. Valeant uses B&L employees to get projects done and B&L uses Valeant employees on projects. This sharing of resources is of course efficient but if someone were to buy B&L huge holes would occur in the business as the Valeant employees that were a shared resource no longer will be part of the company.

Rochester location is a clear example. People that work there are either loyal or work for Valeant like projects or B&L like projects and don't know whether to say they work for Valeant or B&L on their resumes. The reporting structures have to be extremely chaotic.

So B&L on its own? What happens to the Valeant employees that work in Rochester. Do they move? Do they get transferred to B&L? Do they get laid off? Does B&L move out of Rochester?

A stand alone company has its own real estate. Its own employees and its own reporting structure with little shared human resources with the other companies within the corporation. We will see.

How can you believe in the new plan for B&L. No details have been given as to what is changing.

The last comment was that B&L and Valeant employees are basically interchangeable. Even work in the same cubicle spaces. Separate Company?

David Maris,"new paint on the same old shed." Give us some reason to believe that something really is different about the NEW and improved B&L.

Get real....Valeant will not worry about gaps or holes in any organization...they will sell whatever they can to try to reduce Pearsons $30bn debt loyalty and no organization...

And did I really read that Papa is giving Tom Appio responsibility for all non US ...? Any hope Papa would be an improvement on Pearson is dead if he really agreed to increase the reliance on that over promoted pompous idiot from Asia. He was useless years ago before Valeant bought B+L and I hear he got no better since...if you are now part of Appio's new empire then I wish you the very best of luck...and never trust him....didn't think things could get worse but this proves me wrong...