You dopes sell French's honey mustard!!

Just had it on my sammy. Do you detail this during your "luncheons"

Good for you! Yeah, RB is a multi-billion dollar international company that sells a lot of products. Have fun slinging samples and getting your computer signed by a doctor that doesn't want to hear your 30 second spiel on why your drug outperformed your competitor's drug in your company-sponsored clinical trial...Us, we don't have to deal with that, b/c our docs CALL US.

The above comments are the product of a competitor or mental idios who hires people who are small minded, unprofessional and clearly have nothing better to do than come here and talk smack. Above all, when you are this bored with your own job, life and feeling this threatened, you are the one who is in a world of hurt, not the professionals who work for this company. Good luck getting on in life with your childish behavior, lack of ethics or knowledge whatsoever of this medication and the qualifications of its clinical liaisons. You see, some companys hire reps, some companies screen for professionals and hire them.

The above comments are the product of a competitor or mental idios who hires people who are small minded, unprofessional and clearly have nothing better to do than come here and talk smack. Above all, when you are this bored with your own job, life and feeling this threatened, you are the one who is in a world of hurt, not the professionals who work for this company. Good luck getting on in life with your childish behavior, lack of ethics or knowledge whatsoever of this medication and the qualifications of its clinical liaisons. You see, some companys hire reps, some companies screen for professionals and hire them.

Ahhhh! And what is your favorite condiment, Clyde? Can you "get on" in life? You sound to me as though you are quite narrow minded, and quite mis-guided!

Wipe the mayo off your chin and go spew your hatred elsewhere. Really. I see all 300 lbs of you farting and burping your French's, hoping to make someone, anyone as miserable as you are. Desperate?

That won't be happening here. We do a lot of great things for a lot of good people who've made some bad choices. Its rewarding and fulfilling, so we don't eat a lot of mayo, unlike yourself.

Crawl back into your hole with your jars of condiments and get some help for that anger, before you overdose on your hatred.